Wednesday, September 22, 2021

4021: KINDLE STORIES - Young Javan myna and asian glossy starlings flock together


 The young Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus)and Asian Glossy Starlings (Aplonis panayensis) are united as a group to deter predators. Very rare to see both species of starlings in large numbers flocking togetherMoon Cake Festival, 8 AM, Yio Chu Kang Cres, Singapore


When the young Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus)and Asian Glossy Starlings (Aplonis panayensis) flock together, they look formidable to predators. Moon Cake Festival, 8 AM, Yio Chu Kang Cres, Singapore

   21 Sep 2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021

*****STORIES FOR KINDLE - The optrometrist's 3rd daughter wants into his business




Sunday Aug 26, 2013's interesting case

"I work very hard to raise and educate 3 daughters," the 67-year-old optometrist who used to work from 9 am to 9 pm said to me. "Now, two are married and I don't get a cent from them!" 

His 3rd daughter who is slim and good-looking, wearing dual-colour short pants laughed. "Do you really expect the younger generation to give parents some money from their earnings every month?" 

"I read of many Americans living with their parents nowadays, owing to economic downturn," I commiserated with him. "They have different values as regards filial piety which includes caring for  aged parents.

During a tour, the Norweigian tour guide told me that her son left home when he was 18 years old to share a rental apartment with friends. The government would employ him. She lived alone as a widow."   

If they don't need your money as adults, you should consider yourself fortunate!"

Nowadays he closes his shop whenever he likes because his rental in downtown Orchard Road is around $4,000 while the other shop rentals in other malls were charging $8,000 - $20,000 rental per month. 

"I do not charge clients who are poor," he declared to me. "There was one who asked me if he could pay by installments. His family member has cancer and so I said that he could pay me when he was able to do so."

"Would you be giving free spectacles if your rental was $15,000/month?" I asked.

"Well, the clients who need free spectacles will not step into such posh shops."

His 3rd daughter, in her late 20s had brought in a 13-year-old cat for me to remove an ingrown toe nail. She had phoned me at 10pm yesterday, as the cat's paw was bleeding. I had suggested that she bandaged the foot and bring the cat in today, in order to save on after-hour emergency bills which would come to over $300.

So, here she was, with her father. She would not bear to see her cat's ingrown toe nail being cut off  in her presence. So she left the operation room when I did it.

"My cat claws me all the time at home," she warned me. So I expected a ferocious lion all ready to swing her claws at me. But she was as quiet as a church mouse, so there was no need for a sedative. She just lied quietly and patiently on the surgery table. I took the chance to take some images for this story. 

"Since you have worked for so many years, you must have lots of clients," I said to the father. "Is your children taking over your business?"

"No, my children are not interested," he had already given up on his 2 older daughters and this younger one was working happily in an events marketing company in publishing.

"I am interested," the 3rd daughter said she had spoken to him and would not mind attending the compulsory optometry course to be accredited.  He had not groomed the 3rd daughter.

"Rentals will not stay at $4,000/month forever," he had no confidence in his children to compete and bring his clientele business to a higher level.

"Have you got a website?" I scrutinised his name card as he said my spectacles were out-dated and old fashioned. "My spectacles are branded 'Gap'," I said. "The thick black frames were admittedly, not modern looking.

His 3rd daughter laughed as she knew that her father had no website. She  is from this internet generation who appreciates websites and know the leveling power of the social media. 

Maybe the father knows that one-man-operator optometrist practice is a dying business but I don't think so. Many such shops hire people who come and go and there is a niche for proprietors who provide personalised service and is available over the years as the family members grow up. 

My baby-boomer generation has many who ignore social media for branding and marketing, but not the 3rd daughter who represents the internet savvy millenials and Generation Z.

"Of course, the internet generation may not be loyal clients when they shop for the cheapest product," I said to the father. "Some do go for fanciful renovations and pay high prices. I believe there is a place for a niche optometry personalised service with the same optrometrist servicing them. Nowadays some do value experience over glamourous set ups and this is where your daughter will shine" 

The father was unconvinced. It is 2021 now. I don't know whether the 3rd daughter had become an optrometrist now that there are more competitive shops like OWNDAYS Optical Shops from Japan with simple all-in-one prices. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

4019. 3 interesting cases - 11 Sep 2021.

11 Sep 2021:  Interesting case. Image 2/3: German Shepherd with swollen hind limbs. Updates will be at:

Video of presentation at:



11 Sep 2021: Many dwarf hamsters over 1 year of age develop tumours. Early detection and removal will help the hamster live a normal life as the tumour grows and become infected and itchy. Find a vet who does hamster tumour surgery. 

11 Sep 2021: Swollen eyes start as closed eyelids. The red-eared slider stops eating when its eyes are swollen and closed. Early vet treatment saves eye sight. Updates will be at:

4018. Email query about hamster lump

 From: Z Wong <>

Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021, 20:45
Subject: Big lump on hamster
To: <>

Dear Judy, 

There is a huge lump on my hamster. Initially it wasn't obvious. It was only recently when she is not as active where I noticed the lump getting bigger. I tried locating vets near me but all do not treat hamster. Please do see the picture attached. Is this curable? How much are the fees?

Thank you.


Friday, September 10, 2021

4017. A rare case of a 5-year-old male German Shepherd suffering from two swollen hind limbs. Myanmar case.

 10 Sep 2021: A very rare case. Two swollen hind limbs in a 5-year-old German Shepherd dog seen at the Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery, Yangon, Myanmar. I have had seen only one similar case in a German Shepherd in my over 30 years of practice. 

The veterinarian will also need to perform some diagnostic tests, such as a chemical analysis, complete blood count, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), urinalysis, packed cell volume (PCV), liver panel, heartworm test, and a biopsy of the fluid from the affected area. 

Also, a lymphangiography will be done by injecting dye into the lymph nodes before x-rays are performed. This is one of the most accurate tests in determining the reason for the lymphedema after the normal blood tests fail to find the cause. Additionally, the veterinarian may need to do an ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI for a
more detailed view.

Differential diagnosis:

1. Degenerative myelopathy is a nerve disease that starts in a dog’s spinal cord. If your German Shepherd suffers from degenerative myelopathy, you’ll begin to notice them losing motor function in their hind legs. But their hind limbs are not swollen.

2. A heart affected by dilated cardiomyopathy is inefficient at pumping blood, and oxygenated blood is not adequately distributed through the body. The heart becomes enlarged, and its ventricular walls get thinner. In some cases, changes in heart rhythm will also be a result of the thinned chamber walls. Also, dilated cardiomyopathy can cause fluid to build up in the lungs. But their hind limbs are not swollen. If there is swelling, it will be both 4 limbs and body. 

Lymphedema is a condition described as a collection of lymph fluid in certain tissues in your dog’s body because of obstructions in the lymphatic system (lymph nodes, vessels, and organs).

Most of the time, the cause of your pet’s lymphedema is caused by another illness or injury. For example, swelling of the abdomen or chest may be from cancer or heart disease, while swelling of the face, neck, or tongue could possibly be an allergic reaction.


There are several types of lymphedema. The most common are:

  • Congenital aplasia – Defective or missing tissue or organ
  • Hyperplasia - Organ enlargement

  • Hypoplasia – Abnormally small tissue or organ
  • Neoplasia - Tumor

  • Radiation therapy – Cancer treatment

Higher occurrence in: 

  • Certain breeds (Borzoi, Rottweiler, Bulldog, Poodle, German Shepherd, Tervuren, Labrador Retriever, Old English Sheepdog, German Shorthaired Pointer, Great Dane)
  • Injury or burn
  • Tumors
  • Infections
  • Heart disorders
  • Compromised liver function

Treatment depends on cause. Obstruction of lymphatic flow in the pelvic area, injury, neoplasia (cancer), chronic illness.   There is no cure for lymphedema, but if the underlying cause is found and treated, the condition may simply go away as well.


Friday, September 3, 2021

4016. Rectal prolapse in a 7-year-old female red-eared slider 1 Sep 2021

INSTAGRAM STORIES @toapayohvets 



Veterinary Stories by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).

A big globular body part slipped out from inside the pelvic area to outside the vent of the female red-eared slider (HOOK). The owner WhatsApp Toa Payoh Vets. The slider had vent prolapse - specifically rectal prolapse during defaecation.  She WhatsApp me late at night apol0gectically.

The next day, Dr Daniel Sing was consulted. He washed the prolapsed rectum with normal saline and glucose thoroughly and pushed it back inside. In-patient treatment for 2 days at clinic. No rectal prolapse was seen (VIDEO 1 - 29 AUG 2021). The owner took her home. 

The owner agreed to share her case study when I WhatsApp on Day 4 after treatment. 

1.  DAY 4 AFTER TREATMENT:  The patient was leading a normal active life ON DAY4 AFTER TREATMENT (1 SEP 2021),  as evident in the owner's TWO videos to me (two videos - create a HOOK FROM lst half of VIDEO 2). 


But the pet now has no more green platform WITH FAKE GRASS to bask.  The platform was disposed of! (USE 2nd half  as conclusion VIDEO 3 - 1 SEP 2021). 

EARLY emergency veterinary treatment by pushing the slipped rectal tissue back prevented septic infections, gangrene and death of the beloved red-eared slider. Everyone is happy. 



(Insert ONE videos. Edit the longer video to use it as a HOOK showing the slider has an excellent appetite when she can poop on Day 4.)  Narrate "But on 28 Aug 2021, the owner had WhatsApp Dr David Sing at 9.53 pm.........(see below). 

A Confounded emoji indicated a young lady who would have
had done internet research and know what her 7-year-old red-eared slider
was suffering from.  I advised her to wrap the prolapsed rectum in a wet towel 
to prevent traumatic injury from the kicking from the back legs

(title of story)

What is rectal prolapse? Define

Flashback to what occurred a few days earlier

Disembarked from subway train at Upper Thomson to go to the Daiso Japan store
which sells thousands of lifestyle items at S$2.00 per item.

Bought this fake grass to decorate the surface of the basking platform

This is the platform.

Her usual diet is pellets and vegetables. She ate the fake grass  as she basks on the platform. 

She could not poop as the fake grass impact the rectum since it
could not be digested. More pieces cause constipation. She strained
very hard to expel the fake grass lumps. In the process, the rectum slipped
out of the anus. It looked like a red blob of flesh. It is a rectal prolapse.

The owner had researched the internet and WhatsApp
Dr David Sing on 28 Aug 2021. She brought her slider
to Toa Payoh Vets on 29 Aug 2021 urgently. 

Two options depending on the severity of the rectal prolapse. 
Dr Daniel Sing used the conservative method - non-surgical 

From case files, Dr David Sing showed his 2013 case
of rectal prolapse in another slider and his purse-string suture treatment

The stitches were removed on Day 7. No prolapse. The slider
was back to normal activity and appetite was good.

In 2021, Dr Daniel Sing treated non-surgically as the rectal prolapse was recent, within 24 hours.

Fully recovered with no rectal prolapse when checked on Day 4. Also excellent appetite.
Show two videos on Day 4. Edit the longer video to 30 seconds to show eating.

*****(Insert two videos. The shorter video shows no rectal prolapse on Day 4. Edit the longer video to use it as a HOOK showing the slider has an excellent appetite when she can poop on Day 4 and also as part of this example of Day 4 fully recovered with good appetite.)

Insert credits 



VIDEO 1. IN-PATIENT 2 DAYS. No rectal prolapse. Show video 1 as you narrate. Went home on Day 3 on 31 Aug 2021. 

VIDEO 2. 1 SEP 2021:  Day 4 after non-surgical treatment. No rectal prolapse.

1. Use first half for HOOK

2. Use 2nd half for CONCLUSION 

difficulty turning slider upside down to show vent for more than a few seconds as the
slider was moving her hind legs clawing her hand. But you can see there is no red blob of 
rectal tissue outside the vent. 



24 OCT 2021: A RED-EARED SLIDER ATE FAKE GRASS - GOT CONSTIPATED AND RECTAL PROLAPSE A short educational video very well made by Ms Bridget Lum, using slides and video footage. Her narration was clear. Easy for a pet owner to understand the case study. This video shows footage of rectal prolapse in a slider. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Prompt consultation by WhatsApp to Dr Sing Kong Yuen, +65 9668 6468 by young lady owner. The next day, she sent the patient to Toa Payoh Vets to treat it. Dr Daniel treated the rectal prolapse conservatively first. The rectal prolapsed tissue was cleaned and the swelling reduced with medication. Then Dr Daniel pushed the tissue gently into the vent. No purse string suture as he waited and see if there will be a prolapse. None was seen in 2 days after in-patient observation. There was a complete cure. The owner was prompt in seeking a vet when she saw the red blob of prolapse. Delays would have led to rotting rectal tissues and the need for surgical treatment including debridement, possible amputation of dead tissues and purse-string suture. The owner was most happy with the outcome. And so were the staff of Toa Payoh Vets. UPDATES AND MORE INFO AT:



Not for video production. 

Other case studies


Male red-eared slider


Thursday, September 2, 2021

4105. How to market yourself - Build a Brand, attract the right audience - Jon Devo

 Amateur Photographer 23 Jan 2021

Jon Devo Jon has been a professional photographer for 19 years, specialising in commercial, marketing and sports photography. Alongside his photography, Jon also works as a writer and technology journalist. Find him at

You’ve made the leap; you want to be a photographer full-time. Perhaps you’ve been making photography work as a side hustle for years. Perhaps you’d never considered it, but the past year has helped you discover a hidden passion and talent for taking pictures. Whatever has brought you to this decision, I’d like to share what I’ve learned about marketing oneself for success in a challenging climate.

I’ve worked in marketing and technology journalism for approaching 14 years cumulatively. My focus has been on communications, brand storytelling and gadgets. I like to think of everything that companies and individuals do to ‘sell’ their goods and services, as a process of finding an audience, connecting with them by appealing to their sensibilities and then delivering or speaking to the needs and desires of that audience.

Professional photography is no exception as a business in that regard. However, the tools we have to use and the ways we garner the attention of our paying audience is unique in a sense. Largely because our audience is often seeking an audience of their own. It could be a couple who wants to capture their timeless wedding or family photographs, or a commercial client who’s aiming to create sales-driving campaign materials.

Regardless of the output, our audience – paying clients – want to invest in someone who can bring their desire for eye-catching imagery into reality. So how do you communicate all of that to prospective clients? The global pandemic and 2020 in general has forced me to throw many of the usual tips and suggestions I’d have made a year ago in the bin. Many, but not all.

Trade shows and networking events are out of the window for now. Business cards are redundant. Some may argue that the redundancy of business cards long precedes the current pandemic, but I was still a fan. Why do I love business cards? Because they serve to nudge a prospective client into remembering you when they empty their pockets at the end of an evening.

And again when they see your card still on the side table, on their desk or in their wallet. Nudges or reminders are one of the things that will never stop being an important marketing tool. They are one of the key elements in all behavioural change. If you want to win a new client then you have to do three things well – make a strong positive first impression, nudge them with a reminder (as many polite reminders as it takes to get them to respond), and finally you have to come recommended.

This article will tell you how to do all of those things and more. So grab a notebook and pen or open the notes app on your device and settle in. But if you’re short for time, simply read my closing section under ‘No excuses’.

Optimising web presence
Websites have gone in and out of vogue over the years. In the ’90s and Noughties it was imperative if you wanted to be taken seriously as a professional anything – you had to have a .com presence. But as times have changed, social media has made the need for maintaining an individual website less important.

However, things have shifted again in the past couple of years. Algorithms that decide what gets seen and what doesn’t on social media dictate visibility and as a knock-on effect, more insidiously, they also have an effect on perceived success. If you fall foul of algorithms your content can be buried so far into obscurity that it may feel like there’s little purpose in posting your work on social media at all. It’s an unfortunate state of affairs.

But let’s not lament, let’s progress! In the face of algorithm-infected social media, websites are now reclaiming their relevance. This is because you can demonstrate your capabilities and suitability to your potential clients in full and with less of their attention being constantly tempted elsewhere. If you already have a website, you may want to skip this paragraph.

If you’d like the advice either way, you’re welcome to stay. Don’t be daunted by the thought of building or even rebuilding a website. You don’t need to invest a huge amount of time, money or energy into making something that does the job. Website builder services such as GoDaddy, Squarespace, Weebly and Wix make putting together a clean and professional-looking website straightforward.

Top 5 website builders  Excellent selection of templates, flexible and mobile organised.
Squarespace.  Great templates, mobile optimised, vibrant community support

Weebly  Easy set-up, limited templates

JIMDO  Simple, Intuitive SEO tools and mobile support

Wordpress  Highly fexible but not ideal for beginners

Best of all? No coding experience is required. Website builders offer a range of templates that can be easily customised to suit your needs. Everything from the colours, the tabs, the fonts you use and the position of boxes within the site can be manipulated, depending on the template you choose. This means you just need to upload your content, fill in the text, and the rest is just a matter of selecting options you like the look of.

If you can fill out a Facebook profile, you can build a fully functioning web page using a modern website builder. When choosing your website template, I’d recommend aiming for a design that prioritises photos for obvious reasons, but also one that is uncluttered and uses a white background. White web pages make it easier for most people to read and they typically frame relevant content better.

Keep things simple
Also, choose a theme that’s dynamic and can scale well regardless of which device your website is visited from. There are a couple of aspects to running a webpage that may add an extra bit of complexity though – these include Search engine optimisation (SEO) and selling goods. If you want to sell prints or services via your website, you may need to create product SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) and a stock database.

But again, many of the website builders I’ve mentioned above have support for shopping features, which can be purchased and bolted onto your site as added extras. If you’re not that far down the road of building your photography business and need some branding support, some sites like even offer logo design tools.

Search engine optimisation tips
SEO can be a bit of a dark art but getting it right can make a significant difference to the success of your efforts. Optimising your site so that it ranks highly on Google searches will help to drive more traffic to your site and therefore hopefully increase your business. Everything from your website’s URL (address) and the layout can affect how it performs.

1 Add a blog page to your website
A blog page allows you to add meaningful and helpful text information to your website. The benefit of this is that you can target potential questions that prospective customers may have. For example, writing a blog titled: ‘How to take good product photos’ will drive traffic to your site from people who could benefit from your tips. In turn, when others search for ‘Product photography’ your site will receive a better ranking.

Creating content that’s relevant to your audiences helps to give your brand as a photography/creative business authority in its field. It can also be a great place to share behind-the-scenes content and showcase projects. These are all great things for potential clients to see when they visit your site as it communicates your success and ability in real terms. Finally, for a blog post to be valuable from an SEO perspective it needs to be at least 400 words in length, include images, a meta description, relevant tags and a search-friendly headline.

2 Include links in your site
Weblinking – the act of hot linking key words to other web pages – connects the content on your site to other useful pages, either internally or externally. The relevance and quality of your links will help improve your site’s value to users, which is another method used by search engines to rank websites. I would also recommend using a third-party video upload site like YouTube or Vimeo to upload any video content you want to post.

Then use insert links to include those videos on your website and also include your website link in the descriptions of all of your social media profiles and your email signature. Linking to other reputable sites can also encourage them to link back to you where relevant. Other sites linking to your page increases the trust and authenticity of your website.

3 Upload web-optimised images
Of course, you want to show off the best-quality photos possible, but uploading full-resolution images will slow down the performance of your website. Instead, use the ‘Save images for web’ function of your editing software of choice and try to keep the file size of each individual image below 2MB; this is the same for social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Large files will cause your website to load slowly, which creates a poor user experience and subsequently harms your search ranking.

For this reason, it’s also wise to avoid using unnecessary web plug-ins, widgets or uploads that don’t represent the best of your work. Cluttered sites are both slow to load and to navigate. A study conducted by eConsultancy showed that 40% of people abandoned websites that take more than three seconds to load fully and 80% of those people surveyed said they would not return.

In terms of additional support, there’s also been a small explosion in the number of talent-on-demand websites like and PeoplePerHour. Not familiar with the concept? Talent-on-demand services allow individuals and small companies to put on job notifications for help with technical jobs, such as logo design or even website template building.

Then talented freelancers from all over the world can respond and offer their services for a fixed price. Taking advantage of sites like these helps to remove all of the excuses you may have been telling yourself: ‘I’m not very technically minded’, ‘I don’t know about web design’, ‘I don’t have time’.

Because you’re dealing with a huge pool of talented freelancers, ranging in experience from amateur to ex-agency professionals, people will offer their skills at very competitive prices. This means you can get critical foundational work done to help get your website or branding over the line for a very reasonable price.

Best talent on demand websites

Here’s my top five ToD websites to help you search for additional support with content and design.
Cheap and quick, you set the price and freelancers apply
Freelancers send you proposals with bids for how they will approach your task
Each freelancer on the platform has been vetted before registration
Over 30 million registered freelancers, you pay on task completion 

Toptal Strict freelancer approval, but higher cost per job.

No trade shows or networking opportunities… no problem
The death of the social and events calendar in 2020 removed one of my biggest means of meeting potential clients. Attending events was one of my main sources of attracting and winning new business, so how did I make it through 2020 with that avenue closed off? I’ve been fortunate to work in the creative industries for approaching two decades now. In that time I’ve built up a relatively broad network of people who are familiar with my work and reputation.

But being known to people isn’t enough to lean on. You need to keep in regular contact with your contacts in order to be front of mind when there’s work to be commissioned. This piece of advice may be less helpful to people only just making the leap into going full time, but the practices I’ve deployed to increase my booking frequency are applicable in a wide range of scenarios.

Like it or loathe it, people like to work with people they like. This is why it’s important to make an effort to check in with people who you have met or worked with in the past. As we all know, businesses have been stretched, with some pushed to the brink and unfortunately, beyond. But it’s not the business we should care about, it’s the people. People leave and rejoin or start up new businesses all the time, but especially during times like these. So the people should be your focus.

Maintaining relationships
Here’s a recent example. Pre-pandemic, a contact of mine was a PR manager who had just won the account of a leading events business. We were in talks to do a potentially lucrative contract to shoot a series of live events. But unfortunately, the business had to downsize as events had been indefinitely postponed. The company lost the account and let my contact go. I only found out the bad news two weeks after they’d been made redundant.

But in the two weeks since I’d last checked in with them, they had already started a new role. This time with another large company, but in a different sector. Keen to make a strong positive impression, they’ve commissioned me to work on their first big project. What can we take away from that experience? I made a connection with someone who I could potentially work with. I cultivated a professional relationship with them by expressing genuine interest in their work and wellbeing. And through adversity, when the time arose, they thought of me when it was possible for us to collaborate.

It doesn’t take a huge amount of effort to regularly reach out to contacts you’ve made and let them know that your support and services are available when needed. Of course, this approach will be more likely to yield positive benefits if you are genuinely interested in these people. But that’s the easy part, that’s the very reason you connected with them or exchanged business contact information with them in the first place, right?

Building and maintaining relationships isn’t just a professionally sensible practice, it’s also good for you.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s the importance of being part of an active community. I know this is a slight tangent, but maintaining positive mental health will also contribute to the success of your new venture – or renewed push to becoming a full-time creative potential. So community is key.

Online community
How do we go about building and maintaining a community in isolation? You guessed it: online. Facebook photography groups are a fantastic way to connect with like-minded people, particularly if they are local groups.

You may also want to search for and join groups based on your camera model, kit brand or photography genre. Not only will contributing and engaging with others around fields and the kit you use help you to improve your skills and provide inspiration, but it can also help you to build your profile among those communities.

The principal purpose here is similar to those I discussed previously around building a network of contacts. Other members of groups that you participate in are
also potential leads for new business. Being an active and reputable member of your community could help you to win commissions based on referrals. Research conducted by global marketing giants Nielsen and Edelman showed that 83% of people trust recommendations from their friends and family.

Word of mouth accounts for at least 70% of the business that I do, which is a huge opportunity for you if you’ve not yet explored the practices we’ve just discussed.

Do it yourself
Buy, borrow or rent products you’d like to shoot and create mock campaign images. Have you ever seen an advert in a magazine or on a billboard and thought to yourself, ‘I could’ve done that’? Or perhaps, like me you just wondered how they achieved that particular look.

Whichever your entry point, taking products you aspire to shoot professionally and experimenting with creating campaign quality image assets is a great way to sharpen your skills, but also build a commercially attractive portfolio for when you start pitching your services to businesses. I did exactly this with a limited-edition bottle of my favourite rum.

Free from the pressure of having to deliver for a paying client, I experimented with different lighting and background set-ups to create an image fit for marketing the bottle. And when I had an image I was happy with, I shared it online and tagged the brand’s social media account in my posts. Eventually the brand noticed my work and reached out to me. I now count that brand among my list of clients. This approach can be applied to all areas of photography, even when we can’t move around as freely as we did; especially if you’re shooting products.

But the same applies if you want to build a family portrait business. As long as social distancing rules still apply when you’re reading this, use your friends and family – with respect to the guidelines. Want to shoot cars or sports? Competitive sports are still taking place at various levels. Find some lower tier or amateur events and attend the ones that permit photography. Then use that time and access to create a professional portfolio, tailored to the field you want to work in.

After each event, if the opportunity arises, ask for a contact email address for the people, products or places you’ve photographed. And when you have some images you’re confident with, reach out and share those images. In addition or alternatively, you can share the images on your own social media and tag the relevant accounts as I did with the rum brand.

No excuses
The biggest barriers to you taking the next steps towards becoming a full-time creative professional are the ones you place in your own way. We’ve never had greater access to affordable camera and lighting kit that can be used to deliver professional-quality images. Building an online presence and turning it into a business has never been easier. Sure, that means that competition is probably at its highest, but there are also more potential customers than ever before. If you took my advice in the intro and skipped to the end to get my hot tip – you’re ahead of the game.

My biggest and most valuable piece of advice for how to market yourself – pandemic or not – is to get out of your own way, stop making excuses and put yourself out there. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase, ‘Success is a journey, not a destination.’ It doesn’t just mean we should stop focusing on becoming a success or the moment that we arrive at some undefined peak.

In essence, it is telling us that for us to travel a mile in any direction, we must first begin by taking a single step. You’ve already taken a couple just by picking up this week’s issue and by reading this article. Now, keep going! I look forward to seeing your work one day and being inspired to push myself further because of you. I may even get to collaborate with one of you – who knows? All the same, I implore you to keep taking steps towards your goals, lean into the things that scare you and thank me later.

Are online ads worth paying for?
Google receives approaching 4 billion search queries daily, and Facebook has almost 2 billion active users. If you’re going to invest money in online advertising then these are likely to be the best platforms to consider. Google advertising is split into two categories: display and search. You can choose to bid for search result prominence based on specific keywords and terms relevant to your business.

Alternatively, you can pay for advertising space that occupies banners and boxes on websites that are part of the Google Display Network, which spans almost 98% of the internet. Display ads are best for building brand recognition because they’re more visible. The big benefit of advertising with Facebook Ads is the extreme granularity that you can get into when targeting your advertising. You can segment your ads to very specific groups of people.

This means your approach can be slightly more hit and miss, but once you tap into an audience that responds well to your ads, you’ll be able to steadily increase traffic to your business over time. Both platforms require some experimentation and exploration, but were I in your position, I wouldn’t be focusing on ads at this early stage. You have a lot of other core things to focus on that you can do right now, for free.