Sunday, December 6, 2020

3933. How to treat smelly ears and head shaking in your dog? Chronic otitis externa.


video clip from owner to show me his dog's ears and head shaking

Owner's complaint.  Ears choked with pus.  Ear smell like rotten eggs.


Singapore is an island state. Around 80% of the residents live in high-rise apartments.
There are many dog lovers. Among the big breeds, the Golden Retrievers are one of the
top 3 favourites as they are gentle and good with small children. 

However, Golden Retrievers have floppy ears. This means that the ear canals s are
often covered by the ear pinnae. (Narrate from the images below....drainage...ventilation)

Shook his head daily and vigorously for the past 3 weeks. (read email letter to Dr Sing).

Floppy ears ... ventilation    drainage...  challenges
Many dog owner lives hectic time to clean the ears weekly......

EAR SURGERY IS THE ONLY SOLUTION. To open up the lateral wall of the ear canal so that
pus and debri can drain out easily. Ventilation will be much better with an open lateral wall of the ear canal.  

ERECT EARS - do suffer from the same problem of chronic otitis externa if not
well maintained or treated by the owner and his or her vets 


ANOTHER CASE  from 2004
- COCKER SPANIEL. (Read notes from Instagram as well).


The affected 13-year-old Golden Retriever has been treated by
Dr Daniel Sing (read Instagram notes)


A kinder Millenial and Generation Z dog owners (read Instagram notes as well).






How to Clean your Dog’s Ears

  • When cleaning a dog’s ear, it is critical not to use anything that would tend to push any debris further into the ear canal. Cotton-tipped applicators (such as Q-tips) should not be used.

  • Assemble real (not synthetic) cotton balls and the ear cleaning solution. It is best to use saline eye solution to clean the ear. Do not use wax removal liquid or other over-the-counter ear cleaners.

  • Squirt enough cleaner into the ear to fill the canal. Massage the base of the ear until you hear the solution “squish.”

  • Gently grasp the base of the ear and pull the pinna up and away from the head in order to straighten out the “L” shape of the canal.

  • Wad the cotton into a tubular shape and gently insert it into the canal as far as it will go.

  • Again, gently massage the base of the ear to help work debris and cleaning solution toward the cotton and dry the canal.

  • Wait a few minutes before using any medication in the affected ear(s) as instructed by your veterinarian


Ear infections are common conditions in dogs, especially those with floppy ears such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels. An estimated 20 percent of dogs have some form of ear disease, which may affect one or both ears. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the length and severity of these episodes for your dog.

There are three types of ear infections, known formally as otitis externa, media, and interna. The most common is otitis externa, in which inflammation affects the layer of cells lining the external portion of the ear canal. Otitis media and interna refer to infections of the middle and inner ear canal, respectively. These infections often result from the spread of infection from the external ear. Otitis media and interna can be very serious and may result in deafness, facial paralysis, and vestibular signs. That’s why it’s important to prevent infections and seek early treatment when problems arise.

Symptoms of Dog Ear Infections

Some dogs show no symptoms of ear infection aside from a buildup of wax and discharge in the ear canal. But ear infections often cause significant discomfort and affected dogs may show signs such as:

  • Head shaking
  • Scratching at the affected ear
  • Dark discharge
  • Odor
  • Redness and swelling of the ear canal
  • Pain
  • Itchiness
  • Crusting or scabs in the ears

What Causes Ear Infections in Dogs?

The canine ear canal is more vertical than that of a human, forming an L-shape that tends to hold in fluid. This makes dogs more prone to ear infections. Ear infections are typically caused by bacteria, yeast, or a combination of both. In puppies, ear mites can also be a source of infection.

Factors that may predispose your dog to ear infections include:

  • Moisture, which can create a prime growing environment for bacteria and yeast
  • Allergies, which lead to ear disease in about 50 percent of dogs with allergic skin disease and 80 percent of dogs with food sensitivities
  • Endocrine disorders, such as thyroid disease
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Wax buildup
  • Foreign bodies
  • Injury to the ear canal
  • Excessive cleaning

How are Dog Ear Infections Treated?

Your veterinarian will thoroughly clean your dog’s ears using a medicated ear cleanser. Your vet may also prescribe an ear cleanser and a topical medication for you to use at home. In severe cases, your vet may prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.

Most uncomplicated ear infections resolve within 1–2 weeks, once appropriate treatment begins. But severe infections or those due to underlying conditions may take months to resolve, or may become chronic problems. In cases of severe chronic disease where other treatments have failed, your veterinarian may recommend surgery such as a Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA). A TECA surgery removes the ear canal, thus removing the diseased tissue and preventing the recurrence of infection.

It is important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions closely and return to the veterinary hospital for any recommended recheck appointments. Lapses in your dog’s treatment may lead to the recurrence of the infection. It is especially important that you finish the full course of your dog’s medication, even if your dog appears to be getting better. Failure to finish the full course of treatment may lead to additional problems such as resistant infections.

Can You Prevent Ear Infections in Dogs?

As with most diseases, prevention is always best. Excess moisture is a common cause of ear infections, so be sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after swimming and bathing. If your dog is prone to chronic or recurrent ear infections, identifying and managing any underlying causes such as allergies can help prevent new infections from occurring.

Cleaning your dog’s ears at home can also help prevent ear infections. Jeff Grognet, DVM, a columnist for AKC Family Dog, advises the following steps for ear cleaning: “First, fill the canal with a dog ear cleaning solution and massage the vertical ear canal from the outside. Wipe out the canal with absorbent gauze. Don’t use paper towels or cotton because these may leave fibers behind, and those could cause irritation.” Cotton swabs may also be useful for cleaning your dog’s pinnae (the external ear flaps) but avoid using them in the ear canal, which may inadvertently push debris deeper into the canal.

3932. Final video: A Siberian Husky has ear and uterine infections - ear irrigation and antibitoics.

2017 case study. Ear and Womb infections.
Ear and womb infections in a 7-year-old female Siberian Husky


Womb infection.
Guidelines in treating pyometra in female dogs.

This FINAL VIDEO is to educate BIG dog breed owners about the importance of regular ear care and to spay their female dog to prevent serious womb infections. This Siberian Husky has two serious medical conditions. These are otitis externa and pyometra. 1. EAR INFECTIONS. The Husky bites and so the caregiver cannot clean the ears at all. Over time, pus forms inside the infected ears, causing otitis externa (ear canal infections) . 2. WOMB INFECTIONS. She also passes smelly pus from the private parts. This is a sign of bacterial infection inside the womb. The owner wanted the bacterial infection to be cleared first, before surgery to remove the womb. The caregiver could not give the oral medication and the dog came back to Toa Payoh Vets for cleaning of the ears. The video shows profuse discharge of pus from the womb indicating open pyometra. Removal of the womb is advised after 14 days of antibiotics. If not, the pyometra recurs within 6 months. TIPS 1. Weekly ear inspection and cleaning is important to prevent ear diseases. 2. Spay your female dog at a young age. If the owner had spayed the dog when she was younger, there would be no pyometra. Pyometra is a bacterial infection of the womb in the older female, not-spayed dogs. It is a common surgical condition in dogs in Singapore and in other countries. UPDATES AT: 2017 case study. Ear and womb infections in a 7-year-old female Siberian Husky

3931. The Siberian has a smelly bleeding ear - ear irrigation video


 sedation is required. Ear irrigation.

3930. Be Kind To Spiders

3929. FINAL VIDEO. Multiple ear warts INSIDE the hamster's ear canals. What to do?