Friday, September 4, 2020

3412. Surgical Treatment of jaw abscess in the guinea pig

An abscess in the mouth or around the jaw may be a symptom of dental disease. Your vet may need to identify and remove any problematic teeth. Skull X-rays are needed.

Find a vet who performs guinea pig surgery if there is a jaw (dental) abscess. 

There are 3 treatment options provided by Toa Payoh Vets

1.  Incision and drainage. A scalpel blade incises (cuts) the abscess.The pus is drained. The inside of the abscess is flushed with normal saline till all pus is taken out. 

2.  Enscapsulated Abscess Removal. We recommend the more detailed surgery rather than incision and drainage. It will completely remove the abscess using blunt dissection with scissors or electro-surgery.  This procedure is needed when the vet cannot fully drain the abscess or if other, underlying problems are contributing to the persistence or recurrence of the abscess.

3.  Marsupialisation. The vet makes a long surgical wound. He stitches the inside layer (mucosa) of the wound to the skin. The sutures will remain on your guinea pig for up to two weeks.  You will need to syringe saline into the wound to flush out any pus and debris daily for around 2 weeks. 

The guinea pig wears an Elizabeth collar to prevent scratching of the wound Painkillers will be prescribed. Hone nursing by daily cleaning of the wound is important.  

4. Root canal treatment is not done in guinea pigs, but is an option in human dental abscess treatment. 



  Medications are usually are delivered by mouth.

  • Baytril and Bactrim are the most common antibiotics given to guinea pigs.

  • If it is a fungal infection, he may be given anti-fungal medication like griseofulvin.

  • Many common antibiotics, such as Amoxycillin and tetracycline, are toxic to guinea pigs when given by mouth. However, they may be injected under some circumstances, as this has less impact on your pet's gut health. 
As guinea pigs are strictly herbivorous animals, one veterinary report the recommended antibiotic treatment for odontogenic abscesses is a combination of fluoroquinolones and metronidazole.


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Thursday, September 3, 2020