Monday, February 3, 2020

4075. REYNA TO EDIT. A guinea pig has a swollen abdomen - gastric distension

bullied by being humped by sibling

4074. ***Reyna: The guinea pig has become emaciated - malocclusion and dental abscess. DRAFT

DRAFT. Needs editing in 2020!
Edit the video to be educational. May be 5 or more than 15 minutes but edited. Best to split into Part 1 (history and diagnosis and Part 2 (treatment and outcome)
Another similar video? Pl check.


Video link

 The owner just wanted only clipping of the overgrown incisor teeth for the past 3 months at monthly intervals. Yet the guinea pig became thinner and lost weight. He came in Nov 8, 2016. l noted a left jaw abscess or dental abscess. Physical examination, otoscopic examination of the molars showed molar spurs and skull radiography showed lysis of left mandibular jaw bone - causing an abscess on the left jaws. Clipping of overgrown front teeth is much cheaper but the guinea pig suffered a more serious illness now, being emaciated. The owner agreed to X-rays and hospitalisation. This video shows Day 5 of hospitalisation. The molar spurs were trimmed. The abscess is still be flushed daily. Antibiotics, painkillers and SC and oral fluids daily. Ears cleaned. Nails clipped. The guinea pig now is active and pooping a lot. This guinea pig had never been groomed at all.

A 5-year-old guinea pig is emaciated and had stopped eating and pooping. For the past 3 months, around a month, the father and son would bring the pet for cutting short the front teeth. It was inexpensive. The guinea pig had overgrown molar spurs clipped short by Dr Sing Kong Yuen one year ago and had good appetite. Around 6 months later, the front teeth overgrew and so the owners decided on just asking the vet to clip the front teeth every month for the past 3-4 months. The guinea pig would then be able to eat. But in Nov 8, 2016, they consulted Dr Sing as the guinea pig was not eating and was very thin.

Video link

Very thin guinea pig. The owner had given him corn and he ate corn almost exclusively. Isoflurane gas anaesthesia by mask was given. The incisors were clipped short. A lower right molar spur is seen and videoed to show the owner.

Tues Dec 1, 2015. The guinea pig's front teeth had been clipped. To be thorough, the molars need to be examined. The right lower molar had overgrown to become a molar spur which is videoed for the owner's education. The molar spur is clipped under anaesthesia. The owner is to hand feed the guinea pig by hand and introduce the pellets and hay more than the corn pieces.
Some overlap of video creation. Check and let me know. 

5 days of hospitalization and treatment shown. Overgrown incisors trimmed, molar spurs trimmed. Guinea Pig resumes eating as there is no more oral pain and dental malocclusion Jaw abscess will be drained. X-ray of teeth is done.

This 36-minute video has the left jaw abscess footrage!
In December 2015, the guinea pig had overgrown incisors and molar spurs clipped short by Dr Sing Kong Yuen one year ago and had good appetite. No dental X-rays were taken as the owner wanted the least cost. From July - September 2016, the father and son would bring the guinea pig to cut short the overgrown front teeth only as it was an inexpensive procedure compared to more detailed dental X-rays. The guinea pig would eat again. But in Nov 8, 2016, they consulted Dr Sing as the 5-year-old guinea pig was emaciated, anaemic and was not eating. There was a gigantic left jaw abscess. Two treatment options are available. 1. Marsupialisation - opening up a big hole, drain the abscess and stitch the mucosa (inside layer) of the abscess to the skin, creating an open wound. The wound can be flushed daily. 2. Remove the capsule of the encapsulated abscess. This would permit the pus to be drained At Toa Payoh Vets, I incised and drain the abscess. The decayed molar tooth can be extracted when the guinea pig is in better health. The owner has to return for this dental work. In conclusion, three procedures are needed when the guinea pig has overgrown front teeth and is not eating and loses weight. 1. Physical examination for jaw abscess and dental malocclusion 2. Examination of molar spurs using the otoscope. 3. Skull X-rays, using oblique views to see the teeth.


jaw abscess

molar spurs

outcome of treatment

Advices: Proper diet of hay. Not solely corn 

The blog is here:

This blog does not show the complete situation. But use the script, edit it if you feel it is not good, to save time.  Make it Part 1 and Part 2. So it will not be so boring.


The vet uses a rodent cheek dilator to open the mouth wide for examination
What did he see?  The lower cheek teeth (X) have overgrown excessively long!
Similarly with the upper cheek teeth

Swelling below the jaw - dental abscess. What happened?
X rays showed bone lysis - infection of the bone area  in the back cheek teeth


It will be very difficult to diagnose properly without
an X-ray

X-rays are necessary for dental diseases. There is lysis (breakdown of the bone due to infection) of
the mandible (lower jaw) as shown by the dark areas in the roots, below the cheek teeth. 

Anatomy - the adult GP has 20 teeth

Gas anaesthesia without injectable sedatives were much less risky for emaciated
guinea pigs. A gas mask Is used and careful monitoring by the 
assistant is required.  

cheek dilator spreads out the cheeks. Molar cutter trims the excessive length of the
premolars and molars

Narrate and explain the uses of each piece of equipment

Molar spurs are the excessive length of the premolars and molars. The molar cutter trims the
molars. Without the sharp spurs, the guinea pig is able to chew his food normally and put on weight

4073. Final Video: A guinea pig has an encapsulated abscess - surgical removal is the only cure

Abscess squeezed out one year ago.
One year later, the growth got bigger. Review again.

4072. REYNA A guinea pig stops eating and whines in pain - Gastric distension..

A 4-year-old guinea pig does not eat. What are the causes?

1. Dental malocclusion. Teeth overgrown, molar spurs. Can't chew properly. Needs burring of teeth.
2. Ileus - gastrointestinal stasis - distended stomach, gut not moving..
3. Uroliths - urinary tract infection
4. Respiratory infection

Day 2 of inpatient treatment


Create a video using the following:

Show Video footage
2:08 - 3:00  not eating, whines as she feels the pain of a severe stomach distension with gas
                    35deg C (hypothermia). Normal temperature is 38 deg C
3:24 - 3: 36  abdominal palpation by vet


How can I help my constipated guinea pig?
Kay Dudman
Kay Dudman, Caring for guinea pigs for over twenty years



4071. Reyna. A vet can mis-diagnose mite infestation when skin scrapings are negative


These species specific microscopic mites cause unbearable itchiness for the animal and can result in thinning and/or patchy loss of hair, scurfing of the skin (may resemble dandruff) and eventually, open sores as a result of extreme scratching and biting which aggravates the hair loss. Scratching an area of skin infested by mites by hand may produce such pain and irritation in your guinea pigs that it looks like it's having a fit. A guinea pig suffering from mites may become less friendly and be reluctant to interact with its owner.
While skin scrapings may confirm mites, scrapings are frequently omitted because they are so unreliable (see MISDIAGNOSIS below). Often a vet will administer ivermectin in the presence only of itching and hair loss, treating for other conditions such as fungal infections in the absence of improvement. It is important to note that your guinea pig may be suffering from more than one condition.


Occasionally a vet will completely misdiagnose a mite infestation.
Ciaytee's vet ruled out mites when they could not be found in a scraping. He treated for fungus and yeast infections, sent off cultures, did a skin biopsy, and felt he was exploring every possibility. Her pet had to go under anesthesia twice -- once for a chem panel and once for the biopsy. All this time her guinea pig (who had lost 1/3 to 1/2 of his hair) was in great pain, with sores, and rather than improve, continued to get worse over several weeks. She finally suggested treating with ivermectin in case it was mites. The turn around was almost immediate. Check Guinea Lynx forums for a detailed account of her experiences.
Do everything you can to get proper treatment if mites are suspected. Mange mites can kill.


Mite infestations are generally treated with ivermectin by injection, orally, or topically (usually placed on the skin behind the ears because the fur is so thick). Two or more doses spaced 7 to 10 days apart are required. Ivermectin appears to be safe used on pregnant guinea pigs but is best not used on guinea pigs under 12 ounces (approx. 340 grams). This drug must be administered in the correct dose to avoid serious adverse reactions and possible death. A good exotics veterinarian should be familiar with the drug and know what doses are considered safe for guinea pigs. Seeing a competent vet will assure that this medication's use is indicated and that it is appropriately administered. A vet may also provide topical treatment for open sores and infection caused by scratching and for crusty skin and other complications related to the infestation. Diazepam can help control itching. Steroids may also bring relief to a guinea pig in such pain it is seizuring but must be used with caution. Cut the nails back to minimize further damage from scratching.
Ivermectin is administered by a formula specifying the dosage in milligrams per kilo of weight for the individual species. Therefore it is essential to know the weight of the animal to be treated, and the dosage in mg /kilo for that animal. Your vet should be able to find medical references to determine the correct dosage.
When mites are properly diagnosed, all your guinea pigs will need treatment and their living quarters must be thoroughly cleaned. Avoid future infestations by quarantining and treating new animals if suspected of being carriers and practicing good husbandry. Some breeders will routinely treat new guinea pigs in quarantine (since they can carry mites while showing no signs) rather than risk reintroducing mange mites to a whole herd of guinea pigs.
Alternate treatment: Some pet owners have had good luck with Revolution (Selamectin). A single dose applied topically kills both mange mites and lice. Read more about Revolution in the section on Antiparasitics.

Avoid flea and tick powders, sprays, shampoos, foams, gels and wipes -- many contain pesticides that are dangerous for guinea pigs. Read the ingredients. Some of these products have caused death. If your pet has mites, USE IVERMECTIN. When used according to directions and dosed carefully, it is a much more effective and safe product. 

4070. A guinea pig or a rabbit as pet?

Kay Dudman
Kay Dudman, Caring for guinea pigs for over twenty years