Friday, November 23, 2018

3359. Case study*****. A 2-year-old male rabbit has 4 long overgrown front teeth - dental extraction

Nov 22, 2018  Thankgiving Day

Dog for spay and a rabbit with 4 overgrown teeth.

DAY 1. 5 pm.  Sedation with Xylazine and Ketamine IM in 2 sites at 80% of the calculated dosage. Maintenance by isoflurane gas when necessary.

Dental equipment for rabbits

Isofluane gas anaesthesia when necessary

Molar extractor can be used to extract the incisor tooth.

An incisor luxator is used to loosen the front teeth

2 lower incisor teeth have been extracted

Molar extractor to extract a loosened upper incisor

DAY 2. 10am.  The rabbit had not eaten or pooped. He has a fever of 40.5 deg C and some nasal bleeding but is alert.  Dextrose saline 20 ml, baytril and meloxicam are given subcutaneous. The rabbit started eating in the afternoon.

The rabbit dental set used


Thursday, November 22, 2018

3358. The adopted red-eared slider eats only chye sim vegetables and occasional pellets.

Nov 22, 2018  Thanksgiving Day.

This slider eats only chye sim vegetables. Swims lop-sided and was gasping (video by owner). Live separately from 6 adults sliders.

When turned upside down, not proactive in becoming upright. A water bubble appeared on one nostril. Respiratory infection.

Friday Nov 23, 2018

Given oral baytril 
More active, no gasping. Passed a large blot of stool  8mm in diameter (photo)
Observed yellowish pus-like thick phlegm from right side of lips and some on the left side. (photo).
Rotten end of shell (photo).

Ate pellets

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

3357. Day 3. A red-eared slider has swollen eyes and stopped eating

Nov 20, 2018.

The slider was adopted.  Now she is lethargic. Eyes were swollen when brought in 2 days ago but are now normal after treatment with eye drops and medication.

This slider eats only dried shrimps and so the owner had been feedly shrimps for the past 2 years. 

According to the owner, the slider had laid eggs 2 to 3 times in 2016 and had eaten them. She did not see eggs laid in 2017-2018. Owner did see 2 eggs last year.

Tank of water changed daily. 1-2x per week will be out on the floor.

We are syringe feeding with Critical Care and multivitamins. So far, she has no appetite.


Monday, November 19, 2018

3356. Singapore fitness park - no cars seen - rare occurrence. Nov 19, 2018 9am

Monday Nov 19, 2018. 9am. No cars

3355*****. An 11-year-old Lab Retriever has a yellowish pus discharged from the vagina

Nov 19, 2018
I received a phone call early at 9 am.
Lab Retriever, F, 11 yrs
"Not eating for one week. Very thirsty. Passed  brownish stuff.  Is she going to die soon?"
The owner brought the dog in the morning today.  Not much pus seen at the consultation table. Abdominal palpation did not elecit pain. No abdominal swelling, uterine swelling or bladder stone. Small amounts of bright yellow pus is seen oozing out from the private parts on examination.

Small amount of yellow pus was seen leaking from the vagina in small amounts during examination. Not obvious in the images.

Overnight, the dog passed out copious amount of pus and blood.  Blood test show bacteraemia and lowered red blood cell count.

The dog is washed before sending home with antibiotics and pain-killers after 2 bottles of IV drips and antibiotics.

Day 2 images

Nov 27, 2018. Follow up .
Complaint of residual vaginal discharge being present.

I explained that Toa Payoh Vets usually spay the dog about 3 days after in-patient treatment   although ideally, it should be one month later when the dog is healthy and eating.

Many owners do not come back for spay once the dog has no more discharge. Till the  next heat when the pyometra recurs. The owner said she would be back.

Spaying your female dog when she is young will save medical expenses


3354. A guinea pig has a bloated abdomen

TP 50661

Nov 19, 2018   
Guinea Pig, F, 3 yrs
Anorexia and constipation for 2 days.

X ray

Gas in the stomach. 

Good bodily condition
Bloated abdomen