Saturday, July 7, 2018

3197. Wild mushrooms with freckles seen in Jul 5, 2018

I was astonished to see that the person's face is taut and smooth after massage. Previously, several facial bumps were seen, like bubbles. Hence this image to remember this date.

Another friend with freckles has an aesthetic package of laser treatment to clear the freckles.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

3196. Red-eared slider, M, 4 years stopped eating for a few weeks. Why?

Emaciated red-eared slider

Compared to normal red-eared sliders

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

3195. The cat's back leg was cut by the sharp pen knife

July 3, 2018

The owner decided to use his sharp pen knife to cut the Siamsese cat's backside hair. A 2-cm laceration wound of around 3 cm was made into the skin, exposing the muscles. So he used his Nova powder to treat the cut.

No closure of the wound as the cat would lick the powder away. 

He lived near Vet Central but the vet clinic was busy at 4 pm. So he googled and came to Toa Payoh Vets as he had to start work as a Deliveroo man.

In his 50s, he looks very fit. He has perfect eyesight and could climb 30-storey high crane tower to operate the crane. No fear of heights. "There was a crane that toppled," I asked whether he was working in the same area. "I was in the other crane. There was some miscommunication between the foreign workers, leading to this accident!". 

The cat is given antibiotics today and will be operated the next day.  He wanted me to clip a very small area to stitch up the wound, but this is not good for the cat as the wound is large. Debridement is needed to cut off the old edges. Cleaning and stitching.

3194. Lingzhi mushroom in a broken tree branch


Original images seen on Jun 30, 2018


Lingzhi mushroom seen by a lady (Yijun) in May 2018 in the similar area

Monday, July 2, 2018

3193. A cat fell from 3rd storey and fractured left femur

Jul 2, 2018

"It was during Hari Raya celebrations," the gentleman said his 3 cats usually sit on the ledge but would not fall downstairs."It was noisy and my cat disappeared upstairs to the 3rd floor and probably went into an apartment. He could have fallen out from theunit. "

Jul 3, 2018  10 am fracture repair

Day 3 after surgery. Still has bleeding from pin exit site

3192. Handsome couple with black fashion beret and hat