Sunday, July 1, 2018

3189. Jul 1, 2018 5.30 am to 6am. Bright moon and star and clouds resembling a face

July 1, 2018. I spotted a very bright moon and a bright star to its left. A cloud resembling an old man's face appears too.


should be 5.30 am to 6 am

Friday, June 29, 2018

3189. Passing clouds create a face in the moon


Another photoshopped image

3187. Z-plasty for a big facial wound

Jun 28, 2018

The Chihuahua X had two ears filled with tumours. Big swellings esp. below the right ear.  They obstruct the ear canal, leading to pus formation and causing pain.

Details are at:

It will take 2 months to close by granulation and there is a possibility of infection of the muscles and nerves inside this large wound. The dog keeps scratching this area to relieve her itch. She has pyometra and another similar ear abscess with tumours on the left facial area. 

The owner opted for Z-plasty. The images are as follows:

15 days after surgery, the ear is still wet and needs daily cleaning and medication.

30 days after surgery. Wound has healed well. The owner did not return for post-op checks and operation of the other ear that was oozing pus and was filled with ear canal tumours or spay.



Post op photo from a busy owner

Owner did not want to have surgery done on the right ear that was filled with tumours and had discharging pus

1-cm margin for suspected cancerous skin tumour is important
Large incision needs Z-plasty.  Skin heals well generally. One case is shown

Z-plasty for suspected cancerous skin growth post-op


Very large wound. Z-plasty is needed\


large breast tumours in dogs. Z-plasty is needed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

3186. Mushrooms white to black wilted

Jun 25, 2018   11 pm at night

Jun 26, 2018  8 am morning

3185. PHOTOGRAPHY - Pink sunset in Serangoon NEX shopping mall area on Jun 26, 2018

Photoshopped image


Evening at Kim Keat


3184. A 30-month-old dwarf hamster is operated for a tumour

June 27, 2018

This Myanmar man has several dwarf hamsters.

He decided to get the dwarf hamster operated despite the high anaesthetic risk and the very old age. The dwarf hamster lives up to 2.5 to 3 years and this one was 26 months old. Some pet owners will save on financial costs as the life span is near the end.

But he is not a calculating man.
"I get the operation done to make his life less painful," he told me.

"Doc," my assistant informed me during pre-operation preparation. "This is an abscess!"
"There is a big pimple seen," I said. "You could be correct. But it could be an encapsulated abscess or an infected tumour."

Surgery and gas anaesthesia revealed an infected tumour. Never judge a book by its cover.