Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Was the neutered father guinea pig responsible for 2 babies?

Mar 24, 2015

The pair of guinea pigs gave birth to 1 male and 1 female on   before the sire was neutered.

Parents  about 1 year old.
Sep 3, 2014   dam gave birth to a male and a female. F1 generation
Oct 7, 2014   sire was neutered by Dr Daniel
Feb 13, 2015  dam gave birth to 2 males. F2 generation.
Was the neutered sire the father? The Korean lady asked me.  Dr Daniel said that the neutered sire should be separated from the dam for 3 months after neuter.

Guinea pigs mature at 3 months of age.
Gestation period 59 - 73 days or 2 months.

Dec 3, 2014  F1 male will mature from 3 months and will mate with the mother.
Feb 13, 2015 (2 months' gestation, mating on Dec 13, 2014 by F1 son).
So the neutered father was NOT responsible.  

1146. Pug with folliculitis

Mar 24, 2015
Review of the pug. 9 days. Still has inflamed skin. Appeared spreading.
Ringworm +ve some hairs
Skin scrapings 3 areas - no mites seen.
Allergy?  Plastic biting of handles of mum's bedframe - allergic on chin and face.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

1145. Sunday morning smiles on Mar 22, 2015 at 7.30 am

Sunday Mar 22, 2015

I went to the public fitness park at 6 am and at 7.30 am to exercise. I usually discipline myself to do it once, to exercise to keep fit this year. Bright cloudy morning.

As I walked out, the slim Myanmar maid, around late 20s, in bright red T-shirt, longer blue floral white shorts with two ties at the lower side and pony-tail was washing the bright red Porsche. She smiled nowadays when I said good morning or hello to her. This bright red Porsche alone would cost around $300,000 and her salary, assuming $500/month would mean 50 years of being a domestic worker to earn this amount. I hope she would save up and buy land in her village to better her life. Maids work to support their aging parents and siblings in Myanmar.

At the fitness park, I was surprised to meet this lady who walks her 11-year-old Golden Retriever every day. I met her some weeks ago when I walked to the subway to catch a train to work on a Saturday morning. Her dog was trying to sniff me out and she restrained him. "Are you from Grand  Spring condo?" I asked.  "No, I am from Rose Flower Gardens," she replied. "I was wearing long pants to work when we met some months ago," I said. "So, you will not recognise me. You walk to this neighbourhood too?"

"My dog gets bored walking the same route," the Golden Retriever was dragging her away.
"More likely you will get bored," I could not imagine a dog being bored when taken out in the morning to exercise. "How do you prevent tick infestations of your dog?"
"I spray an organic repellant on his body and paws and so this dog does not have ticks," she said.
"Do you use spot-on insecticide between the shoulders, e.g. Frontline?" I asked.
"Yes, I use it once a month."

"Be careful that you do not get poisoned with the daily spray as you will have inhaled it," I advised. "Even if it is organic, it is still poison!". Many Singaporeans do not bother to look into the medical side effects of multiple pills popped into their mouths including glucosamine and DMSO, anti-perspirant sprays and monthly hair dyes to look younger.

Assuming that a spray is organic, it will be safe for the health of the person and the dog. But long-term use will cause poisoinng of the body system.  

The lady smiled and her dog dragged her off.  Walking every day seemed to have reduced her weight since I saw her more than 2 months ago and she looked happier. She smiled as she left. 

There was another older lady who walked her Golden Retriever along the roads. She also carried pieces of newspapers to scoop up the poo. The dog stopped suddenly as if he wanted to poop and so she got the newspapers ready to place. I stopped walking so as not to distract the dog. Alas, the dog did not do it. She appeared embarassed and I asked: "How many times does he poo a day?"
"Twice," she replied as the dog dragged her off.

In my neighbourhood, I saw a light brown with black soft top, probably an Audi 2-door with a bicycle attached behind the boot, driving out. An older woman walked the road to exercise. A young couple put the golf sets in their car to golf. A Caucasian expatriate with helmet cycling. One man was jogging. An older man with knees bandaged walked past me, avoiding eye contact.

On this Sunday morning in a peaceful country, most of my neighbours are sleeping late and miss the beauty of dawn breaking, the birds chirping and the coolness of the early morning. For the past years, I did not exercise, as is typical of most Singaporeans. Work and raising a family took precedence. There must be time to smell the roses in Singapore when there is peace.   


Friday, March 20, 2015

Myanmar Stories: A Myanmar maid learns the basic of computers

Mar 18, 2015

At Khin Khin's employment agency, I met a Myanmarese maid from Pathein. Her employer had asked her to go home since the replacement maid will arrive soon. After 4 years bringing up a child and looking after the household, she did not want to renew her contract. Yet she had not completed her computer course yet and this course would start in 2 weeks' time.

Finding a new employer may be difficult. Her pay was $480. "I have an employer willing to pay $550," the agent said.  Her old employer had permitted her 2 Sundays off and she enrolled for this computer course. Her English is much better. Will she be able to find a new employer? 

Paper training a new puppy (video)

An elderly couple bought a 3-month-old Chihuahua for a 3rd vaccination.
They have an old Silkie who is paper-trained. I enquired how they would train this new puppy. The Silkie may pee anywhere if the new puppy can do it and so it is important to confine the puppy early.

Video is produced.
1. No confinement.
2. Sometimes the new puppy will pee on the newspapers, meant for the Silkie in the kitchen. Most times anywhere in the apartment.  
3. The Silkie is paper trained by beating by the son, many years ago. Negative reinforcement training.

The couple did not want the 4 fences as they are too big. Buying a crate and paper training inside the crate is my proposal. See video.


1. Crate + newspapers
2. Playpen + newspapers
3. Playpen + grate
4. Crate

Urine smell

2-4 months best. Older rebellious.

Indoor and outdoor.

Patience, Perseverance and Regression.

1142. How to stay healthy? Do your research.

Mar 20, 2015

My neighbouring tenant who sells parts to plumbers, electricians is 66 years old. I saw him cutting out tablets (3 types)  and putting them into pill containers for 7 days. Every 5 months, the government doctor will prescribe him the same medicine

SIMvastatin 20 mg  2 tablets at night
ENALApril 20 mg 1 tab 2x/day
Sunvasc Amlodipine besylate 7 mg
Hypernol Atenolol 100 mg

"I don't see the same polyclinic doctor," he told me. "Each doctor will have his or her differing opinions. In the end, they prescribe me 5 months' supply of these pills! I go back every 5 months for a check up and get the same medication."

4 years ago, he went to a private specialist at Mount Elizabeth as somebody referred him to the doctor.
"4 nights in a single room, looking out of the window, here and there," he recounted. "I was not even sick.I asked to be discharged. Every visit from the doctor cost me $300. One month's drugs cost me $3,000.  The total hospitalisation bill came to $21,000. "

The nurse told him to ask for half a month's supply. "That was $1,500 and later, she advised me to get $750 supply. I just cannot afford the fees and went to a private general practitioner who charged me around $200 for the drugs."

Now the polyclinic doctor charges him around $30.

Does he really need the drugs? "My blood pressure is only 140," he said. "Yet the doctors prescribe me drugs to control my high blood pressure."

His blood pressure and cholesterol levels needed to be checked every 5 months.  Too many years of various types of medication may harm the kidneys and livers leading to kidney or liver failure. It is best that he gets the medical reports and get the reports interpreted from a family doctor. The polyclinic doctor comes and goes and he never has a family doctor who can follow up with his "chronic diseases."

Thursday, March 19, 2015

1141. Two cases. 1. Pyometra - vomit and "bloody" diarrhoea. 2. Hyperestrogenism - Swollen vulval area

A young lady's 10-year-old Cocker Spaniel had vomiting and bloody diarrhoea for around one week.
"There is a smell of blood," I said. "The blood test showed low red cell count and haemoglobin. The white cells increased showing bacterial infection. The platelets are low, showing septicaermia. The signs are not good."

I advised inpatient for 2 days with IV drips. Tests for Giardia, coronavirus and parvovirus were negative.

The lady wanted her dog back on the same day. At home, the dog continued vomiting and passing bloody stools. "She is having her heat period now," she said. The next day, the dog passed away at home when I called.

This could be a case of closed pyometra with "heat" being observed by the lady on the day before the dog died.

The dog reacted wanting to bite me when I palpated her lower abdomen. She was overweight and so I could not feel the distended uterus. Septicaemia would result in vomiting and diarrhoea. However, the lady did not want the dog to be warded and this is the owner's wish.

This death could be prevented if the dog had been spayed at a young age. But many owners prefer not to spay their female dogs. The illness and death stressed this young lady considerably. It affected me too as I would like all pyometra dogs to live.

However, I could not operate as this dog was unfit for surgery. Blood transfusion would be costly and there was some financial concerns in this case.  Prevention by spaying the dog would have been much cheaper but many owners do not expect their female dogs to suffer from pyometra.

Mar 19, 2015.
Another case of suspected pyometra today. The 4-year-old Shih Tzu licked her vulval area till it became 10X larger than normal (video). Some female dogs are very clean and would lick off every small drop of vaginal discharge till the vulval area became much swollen, as in this dog. Another possibility is hyper-estrogenism.

The owner confirmed that this dog was very clean. She had fuzzy memory of the onset of the last heat. "Maybe November," she said.
"When was the earlier heat?" I asked.
"May," she said.
"So it is March now," I replied. "However, not all dogs come on heat exactly 6 monthly."

Antibiotics now. Spaying 2 months later is advised.

2 abnormal results
Blood glucose  12.1  (3.9-6.0)
Monocytes 18.3% (3-10),  Absolute  1.94 (0.15 - 1.35)