Thursday, September 8, 2011

593. Follow-up on pemphigus dog

Geylang East Public Library
Thur Sep 8, 2011 7.30 pm

I phoned the lady owner about the nursing of the dog with pemphigus.
She said: "She has a very good appetite."
"How often you feed her?" I asked.
"Three times a day."
"How often you wash her mouth?" I had recommended using the garden bottle type spray to rinse the mouth and keep the open wound clean.
"Five times a day. After meals and once in the morning and before sleeping time. The mouth wound is no longer reddish. Have I got to come for review this Sunday (3 days from now)?"

I wanted to review and see if I need to stitch the left lip area which was hanging loose. I did not stitch last time because of the need to shorten the anaesthesia to avoid heart failure in this 10-year-old dog.

The painkillers and antibiotics are doing the work. So, the dog is active and hungry. Nursing is excellent. The wound is no longer inflamed. The test will be when no drugs are taken.

I asked her to come next Sunday. She thanked me.

Gall bladder mucocoele. Cardiac Tamponade. Enlarged spleen.

1. Gall bladder mucocoele. Uncommon disease but there was a case. Diagnosed by ultrasound of gall bladder and blood tests. Treatment would be surgical but very high risk. The 10-year-old dog died the next day.

Vomiting was one sign.

2. Cardiac tamponade. Uncommon disease. Could be diagnosed as "fat" in the double chin as in one case in the Labrador Retriever, according to the owner who consulted Vet 1.

3. Enlarged spleens in a few dogs over the years. Reasons unknown in many cases. No parasites. Spleen removed. Some survived. Some did not.

Gigantic circum-anal tumours

Successful and less costly vet treatment fi you have regular vet examinations per year and daily home check up.

I note that some old male not neutered dogs develop circum-anal tumours after the age of 10 years. One small Maltese owner took the risk to get the circum anal tumours excised by me when the dog was already 15 years old. It is best not to wait till the tumours become gigantic as there is no skin to stitch up. A lot of bleeding. Bandaging the big wound is not practical. A dog more than 10 years old is also in poor health.

590. Mammary cancer if not spayed by 6 months of age

A lady recently asked me when she should spay her dog? Whether a female spayed dog spayed at 6 months of age will never get breast cancer.

Below is the answer from an American vet, Phil Zeltzman, DVM, DACVS, website He published his article
"Common surgeries - critical info you need to know" in Dog Fancy, Sep 2010.

1. The common surgeries are spay, neuter, lumps and bumps and bladder stones.
2. I refer to his spay information

2.1 Some vets in Europe just remove the ovaries in young, healthy female dogs (ovariectomy) - quicker an dless invasive. The uterus shrinks without complications.

2.2 He said that "despite clear scientific evidence to the contrary," some people claim that it is better for a dog to have at least one heat cycle before being spayed. He said "research shows that allowing one heat cycle before being spayed increases the risk of mammary tumours from virtually zero to 8%."

My point is: Many authors give such statistics but none actually quotes the proper research for reference. How many dogs were in the research? Who did the research?

He further stated that spaying after the 2nd heat, incidence of getting tumour is 26%. After 2 years of age, no protection. More than 25% of non-spspayed female dogs develop mammary tumours.

It will be good if Singapore vets can do a study about this 25% statistic or vets can produce proper research reports.

My advice is to spay the female dog 2 months after the first heat to let her develop her vulval area to an adult size. Spaying at 6 months is OK if the owner does not want bleeding. Any reader who knows where the proper research papers are, let me know.

589. Deworming an unwilling Shih Tzu

Today, I intervened. "It is best not to force feed the deworming tablet," I said to Vet 1. "I had seen one case where this was done and the cat choked and died at a boarding house."

The practice of many vets is to give the tablet by hand-feeding. Some dogs and cats positively shifted their heads sideways and refused to open their mouths. In this case, as in above, I advised crushing the tablet into powder, mix with sugar and feed it hidden inside the food.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

588. Cardiac tamponade follow up 13 days later after pericardiocentesis

"Let him enjoy his life," I said to the lady owner as I phoned her about the 2nd blood test done on Sep 6, 2011 and compared it to that done in Aug 25, 2011 when the dog had anaemia. Blood transfusion cost $1,200 when she asked me. I had not advised her as I did not think that this dog whose gums were pinkish would need one and in any case, it would be costly. So, I advised good food like liver, egg yolk, iron, folic acid and multivitamin tablet supplementation.

Compare the blood results

Aug 25, 2011. Can't breathe. I couldn't hear sounds. Double Chin. Both paws swollen and other parts of body. I gave 60 mg Lasix Iv and sent to Vet 2 for ultrasound, X-ray and 3rd opinion as to the cause of this "double chin" which I suspected was due to a large mediastinal mass. Cardiac Tamponade. Pericardiocentesis done and goes home. Vet 2 said possible heart tumour at base of heart and mitotic figures seen in pericardial fluid indicated neoplasia.

Aug 25, 2011
Haemoglobin 8.1 (12-18)
Red cell count 3.5 (5.5-8.5)

Sep 6, 2011. Left paw swollen slightly. Heart sounds can be heard at 30% of the normal breed size which was used as benchmark and teaching for my assistant and the lady owner. The belly looked a bit swollen when lying sideways. Lasix tablets had been given for 8 days from Aug 25, 2011 to Sep 2, 2011. Then no furosemide. I had advised to continue for the life span of the dog and so had phoned the owner to come for review.

Sep 6, 2011
Haemoglobin 10.3 (12-18)
Red cell count 4.3 (5.5-8.5). > 20% increase in red cell count due to good nutrition and supplements.
I could feel the spleen much enlarged like a child's shoe. That was not possible earlier. X-ray did show splenomegaly. Bad news.

WHITE CELL COUNT normal range. However see the composition:

Aug 25, 2011
WBC 7.8 (6-17) - normal
Neutrophils 91%
Lymphocytes 7%
Monocytes 0.5%
Eosinophils 0.9%
Basophils 0%
Platelets 191 (200-500)
PCV 0.24 (0.37-0.55)

Sep 6, 2011
WBC 8.5 (6-17) - normal
Neutrophils 57%
Lymphocytes 21%
Monocytes 8.7%
Eosinophils 11.5%
Basophils 1.5%
Platelets 316 (200-500)
PCV 0.27 (0.37-0.55)
Why the increase in monocytes and eosinophils? Is it associated with splenomegaly and endo-parasites? Heartworm blood test on 6 Sep was negative.

The Labrador now barks at passers-by outside and is more active. No long walks. Urine colour now much lighter and normal said the owner. Not so thin as there is flesh above spinal process. But weight was 35kg compared to 38 kg on Aug 25, 2011. "The water inside the skin and heart must have weighed 3 kg," the owner remarked. It was possible.

Jun 21, 2011. Diarrhoea and fever. 2 days. Recovered with tolfedine medication.
Aug 11, 2011. Very weak. owner gave tolfedine medication 60mg tablet 2x/day for 2 days. Recovered
Aug 16, 2011. Appetite normal but lethargic.
Aug 22, 2011. Neck swelling prominent. double chin. Went to Vet 1 who diagnosed "fat" or suspect cancer. X-ray abdomen and blood test normal.
Aug 25. 2011. Consulted me. Cardiac tamponade based on ultrasound and X-ray. Pericardiocentesis done by Vet 2. Medication for 8 days and advised review after that.
Sep 6, 2011. Reviewed. Left fore paw swollen and other signs as above.

Overall, the owner said by August 29, 2011, no more double chin or preputial and other swellings.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunday Sep 4, 2011's interesting cases

This was the 2nd Sunday that the young lady came. She wanted to be a vet although she had already a degree. Overseas universities do give mature students a second chance to study veterinary medicine. There needs to be a plan for the next 3 years and financial savings amounting to at least $300,000.

1. FALSE PREGNANCY in a cross-bred. I noted that the dog was seen by me in April 2010 and the notes said: "Breasts full of milk. Advised spay one month later." Of course, the owner never came back. Now, the same dog had the back two breasts filled with milk and the couple and their child brought the dog to Dr Vanessa for spaying. Spaying is possible but not in the interest of the dog as the milk may leak into the abdomen through the operation site. "Only the last two breasts have milk," Dr Vanessa told me.

So she was prepared to spay. I cautioned the owners again as peritonitis due to milk seepage into the abdomen is always a possibility. "What if there is a need to extend the incision further back in some cases?" I said to the owners. They could disappear again if asked to wait, as in the past. History repeats itself. Or they just go to another vet. In the interest of the dog, this surgery ought to be delayed. In the interest of the owner and the vet, the spay should be done on the spot. Why lose a client to the competition due to advice in delay? I have had lost such cases to other vets. So, much depends on the vet's philosophy. In this case, the owner accepted my advice again, to wait for one month. Maybe I should follow up.

"The owners asked for ultrasound," Dr Vanessa told me when I asked why an X-ray was not done instead. "The owners think that an X-ray is harmful to the puppies."

In this case, the ultrasound showed "2 pups" one of whom looked like a female with the word "vulva" highlighted in the scan. An X-ray will not show the gender but will show definitely how many puppies are present (skeletons) and their position.

The two boys 7 and 8 years old were quite active. Both wanted to know how the paper cutter worked and I permitted one to push down the handle to cut the paper. The older brother wanted to cut but mum objected as it could be risky. So he said: "Why is my brother allowed?" I ensured that he could safely press the cutting handle down to cut the envelope. I am recycling envelopes as covers for case cards and have to cut them to appropriate sizes. It does not look high class to use recycled envelopes but it does save trees.

Then the older brother showed me a video of his iPhone of the male Golden Retriever mating with the female Spitz. "About 20 minutes of marking," he said. I thought he said "marching". Mum asked what he said. I said: "Mating. You don't need to talk about the birds and the bees nowadays to the children."

4444. The dwarf hamster has a gigantic cyst

This would be her 3rd anaesthesia and surgery. I prefer not to do it as she had survived two and this 3rd surgery would take a long time. Anaesthesia less than 15 minutes would give an excellent survival rate. But this surgery would not be 15 minutes. Would she die on the operating table?

It is like going on a 3rd tour of duty to the war zone of Afghanistan after surviving two tours. The probability of being killed on patrols will be higher. However, in this hamster, there was no choice. Some big swelling had irritated her daily. She scratched this swelling to get rid of it. Those who suffers from skin itch will understand. Scratching the skin till it becomes hairless and then traumatised and infected.

So, this hamster went under the knife (scalpel) again. I gave the lowest dose of Zoletil IM as just using isoflurane gas + oxygen would not be sufficient for a lengthy surgery.

Surgery - Cyst and abscesses in a dwarf hamster and follow-up 3 days later
I followed up 3 days later by phoning the lady owner. The wound was healing well. The hamster was not bothered with the stitches. But she scratched another area. The owner sent me a picture via e-mail. Yes, there was a hairless area in front of and above the horizontal canal opening (as I reviewed the previous images) that I did not incise.

This was because I did not want to lengthen the anaesthesia by incising this area. In addition, I assessed that it was not necessary. The dwarf hamster is such a small creature that one extra cut is equivalent to a big wound in a dog or cat.

Every second after 15 minutes of anaesthesia increases the risk of the hamster's heart failing. She was only 26 gram in bodyweight and her heart must be very small unlike dogs and cats. So, the speedier the surgery, the better the chances of good outcome.

As to what to do with this red area, I asked the owner to continue with the medication and wait-and-see. Three times lucky. Superstitious? I may have to decline any 4th anaesthesia. It is just too risky for the dwarf hamster although she did not lose her 26 g body weight since the first anaesthesia. 





How to treat a gigantic cyst below a hamster's ear
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).

Some dwarf hamsters suffer from diseased ears. You can see redness, swelling and persistent ear scratching. Early veterinary treatment may prevent the need for ear surgeries. This 1-year-old female dwarf hamster had an ear surgery 2 months ago.

Now the owner brought her in to Toa Payoh Vets when the large lump beside her right ear was too big to ignore. The lump was a cyst which enclosed two encapsulated abscesses. This was the 3rd anaesthesia and surgery.

The surgery would be risky althoug the hamster was not aged and active. She survived. In retrospect, there was another swelling with pus on the other side of the cyst. Operating on it would prolong anaesthetic time and kill the hamster. So it was not done at this stage.

As the images show surgical procedures, viewer discretion is advised if you go to the blog.

Update at blog:

Treatment of tick infestation in Singapore dogs: e-mail query


Hi, i have a problem with my silky terrier, this past few months, june exactly,he was infected by ticks,i applied a frontline spot, it was gone by month of july, but now august, again have, and i dont know how to manage, it seem his so irritated now.

Just want to know how much for de ticking for small dog.

Thank you so much.

Hope to heat from you.



Cost is around $120 for clipping of coat to get rid of all ticks, bathing of deticking insecticide for small breed like Silkie. Antibiotic and anti-inflam injection $30. Total is around $150


Il sent my dog today around 1:30pm.



Sent from Samsung tablet

584. Animal Shelter for dogs



Attention to the Veterinary Head of Toa Payoh Vets,

My name is ... and I am working full time for a church in Singapore.

Our church is currently in the process of getting a new animal shelter set up in Singapore. We are waiting for tenders from AVA or SLA for dog farms in Sungei Tengah. The shelter should be up and going in about 1 or 2 year's time. Our emphasis will specifically be to help stray or abandoned dogs. We are serious about this ministry and is looking forward toward setting it up as soon as possible.

The reason for writing to you is to ask if your clinic would be be interested to participate in the sterilization, vaccination and medical treatment program of our dogs.

We hope that you could partner with us in this good cause.

If so, please let us know how much you will charge us (roughly) for the following services so that we can better estimate our financial planning. We would greatly appreciate if you could give us a subsidized rate that is lower than the market.

Vaccination of a dog (regardless of size & inclusive of medication)
Sterilization of a dog (regardless of size & inclusive of medication)
Consultation fee
Medication discount
Essential Products such as heartguard, frontline
Medicated shampoos

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Alternatively, if any of your vets are interested to help on an individual, voluntary or private basis, please also respond to me.

God bless you,


I am Dr Sing. As there is inflation and prices go up yearly, it is not possible to quote now and there will be misunderstandings when your shelter is built in 2-4 years' s time. Please let me know when the tender has been successful.


Dear Dr Sing

Thank you for your prompt reply. We will contact you again when we have the latest update.

God bless you,