Tuesday, November 8, 2022

4182. FINAL VIDEO: A hamster has a dangling cheek pouch




8 Nov 2022.
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow) - 2011 CASE STUDY

Everted cheek pouches are seen in dwarf hamsters in Singapore.

If they come down the mouth for a long way, consult a hamster vet. No medicine will treat this condition. Amputation of the everted pouch - cut away the infected and gangrenous everted pouch is the treatment.

However, your family vet may not perform hamster surgeries. This 2011 case showed the young lady googling “everted cheek pouch” to contact Toa Payoh Vets as her vet did not perform hamster surgeries. The hamster was anaesthesized. The everted pouch was amputated. The remaining pouch was stitched up. The hamster recovered fully and the owner was most happy.

#evertedcheekpouch #hamstervet #hamstersurgery









Monday, November 7, 2022

4181. PHOTOGRAPHY. Tele-consultation. Mammary gland tumour in the dwarf hamster.


4180. PHOTOGRAPHY. The moving juvenile Giant African Snail. Tripod, AV, take multiple shots. Adult stationary snail.

PHOTOGRAPHY. The moving juvenile African Snail on the Elephant Ears' plant leaf.

Take multiple shots. I took more than 30 shots. Tripod and AV.

24 Oct 2023, 8.20 am.
Juvenile African Giant Snail
Canon R5, Tripod, AV, f/11, 1/10 sec, ISO 640, 105mm








Adult African Giant Snail


PHOTOGRAPHY. The adult African Snail on the Elephant Ears' plant leaf.

Take multiple shots. I took more than 30 shots. Tripod and AV. Focus on the eyes in the feelers.

24 Oct 2023, 8.23 am.
Adult African Giant Snail
Canon R5, Tripod, AV, f/11, 1/10 sec, ISO 640, 105mm










7 Nov 2022.
Tripod is needed to get sharp image. 

The African Snail (Achatina fulica) is an introduced species, being native to Africa. The shell is brown with darker bands. It is often found in gardens, parks and other disturbed habitats, but rarely seen in forests. It lacks the thickened outer lips seen in the previous species. Young snails prefer succulent plants and are very problematic agricultural pests. Adult snails appear to prefer rotting plant matter. It can grow up to 7cm tall.

4179. Group photography tips. How to get sharp image of whole group?


SINGAPORE - 6 NOV 2022. SUNDAY. The Merlion is a top tourist attraction and a great backdrop for travel photography. Banners from 2 Vietnamese tour groups add interest in group photography.

How to get a sharp image of all persons in a group?Camera R5, 24-105mm, tripod, AV Mode, F/16, ISO 100.  Focus on face of lady next to the female teenager (centre). Take many shots. Bright 10AM sunlight is best. Banners add interest to photo. You can see the banner of PS Cafe far back in the large sized photo.                                                                TO BUY PHOTO:  shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets

Similar F/16 settings for the Singapore Tourist Guide. I focused on the back of his head. I took several shots and got this one sharp. Practise makes perfect. This man chose to work rather than retire. He has a knack of making the tourists smile radiantly as seen in this photo!


#vietnamesetourgroup #packagedtours #merlion




TO BUY PHOTO: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets



"Good Morning" in Castellar fonts - flag format


Sunday, November 6, 2022

4178. PHOTOGRAPHY. The elusive waterhen in Punggol Waterway Park, Singapore

The elusive waterhen at Punggol Waterway Park, 2 Nov 2022, 4PM  PHOTOGRPAHY TIP. The waterhen walked from the left to right. I placed my tripod to his right, focus on his eye when he came into an unobstructed view. I took over 100 images to get a sharp image of his eye.   Canon R5, tripod, AV Mode, F/11, ISO 100TO BUY PHOTO: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets  

The Punggol Waterway Park is a serene recreational place built by the authorities beside a river for the public. Families go there with their children to appreciate the greenery and to the new One Punggol Mall have food and beverage. Jogging, cycling, brisk walking and kayaking are some of the recreational activities there.



Saturday, November 5, 2022

4177. Animal statues. Tiger in Seoul Grand Park Zoo

5 NOV 2022

Siberian tiger statue at Seoul Grand Park, Jun 2022

Photography tip: Canon R5.

Sit on bench to stabilise your hand. Focus on eye. Take more than 3 photos. To buy photo:   shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets

#tigerstatue #siberiantiger #seoulgrandparkzoo




TO BUY PHOTO:   www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets


4176. People's Park Complex for en bloc sale.

 S T 20 Aug 2022. B9. Attempt to sell People's Park Centre en bloc for $1.8b fails.
It did not receive consent of 80% of the unit owners.

Commercial-cum-residential development (mixed-use development)
13-storey block and 30-storey block.

324 shops, 256 offices, 120 apartments and a car park. 

95,467 sq ft site
Gross floor area about 821,017 sq ft


S T 23 Dec 2023: A3

Selling at 1.3 billion in Mar 2024.
URA gave notice in Nov 2023 about heritage conservation value. URA may offer incentives appealing to developers.

Most important, the reserve price per sq foot per plot ratio must appeal to developers to bid.

People's Park Complex, starta-titled development was designed by Mr Koh Seow Chuan, the late Mr William Lim, Mr Tay Kheng Soon, Mr Gan Eng oon and Mr Chee Soon Wah from Design Partnership now known as DP Architects.

Completed in 1973. 31-storey was a first-of-its-kind in Singapore and in S E Asia - a mixed development with shops, homes, offices and carpark facilities within a single structure. An area of 1ha, was Singapore's largest shopping centre where shops and kiosks generate a bazaar-like atmosphere.

44 years left on its lease. Built in the brutalist architectural style. Style is marked by monumental structures made of off-form concrete without being plastered over.  

391 commercial units, 278 residences, a car park.