An old Shih Tzu pants again and again.
Hi good morning, Dr. Sing, our 14-year-old Shihtzu, her nams is Cookie (we sent her to Dr Daniel Sing on 2 occasions some years ago). Cookie started panting really bad the night before, stopped, slept, ate as per normal. The heavy panting started again last night and I noted her body temperature was warmer than usual, I sprayed some tap water on her coat, blew dry her coat and she fell asleep thereafter, this morning the heavy panting starts again, a few minutes after she woke up.
Can I take her to you for a check up please? Thank you very much!
Please phone 6254 3326 at 10am for appointment.
Dr Daniel suspected allergy. Treated with
anti-allergy medication. Dog is back to normal.
Cookie's meal - Fish, Chicken, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Vegan Dry Food (Addiction) mixed with the medicines.
I believe she could smell/taste the medicines in the mix, didn't quite like it, I think.
Her usual self "spying at the neighbour" and bark at the neighbour @ 1st instance when the neighbour opens their front door.
Dog is OK now.
It is good to get early prompt
veterinary treatment as persistent panting in old dogs can lead to
death from heart failure.