Monday, February 19, 2024



Coastal Captures - 10 techniques for shooting dramatic shoreline scenics - Jon Adams and Andrew James

Tip No. 5. Shoot coastal landmarks - lighthouse, piers, breakwaters, beach huts, bandstands

It is common to have your lens right on top of the foreground elements, esp. with a 16-35mm or a 10-20mm zoom. Compose carefully to make sure your point of interest isn't too distant making it look insignificant.

Using a wide-angle zoom means you can use the foreground to draw attention to your main subject in the frame.

Walk around the structure to allow the foreground to mask out the industrial clutter, fences and access roads on the lighthouse's base.

A bin liner to protect your clothes from the low-angle used.

To have both the foreground and distant subject in sharp focus, use a small aperture of f/16. Set your focus point about halfway into the foreground interest. Test a test shot and check. If the closest part is too soft, focus on a point a little close than before and shoot again. 


5643. PHOTOGRAPHING BEARS.Travel advice, gear recommendations and camera technique. Charles Glatzer


Travel advice, gear recommendations and camera technique. Charles Glatzer

 19 Feb 2024.   June/July 2021.

1. Seasonal habits of the bears of Katmai. Conducted over 150 trips.
2. Bear behaviour and safety.
3. Gearing up for Katmai National Park.
4. Photo gear for bear photography
5. Tips for bear photography success.



Photo gear for bear photography

 CAMERA AND LENSES. Bring two camera bodies. He uses Canon EOS R5.
At least 3 lenses. Canon RF 24-105mm wide-to-telephoto zoom,  RF 100-500mm tele-zoom, either Canon EF 400mm f/2.8Lsuper-teleprime or 600mm f/4 super-teleprime.

If he wishes to go lighter,

Canon RF 24-105mm wide-to-telephoto zoom,  Canon EF 200-400mm f/4 Extender 1..4X which has a built-in 1.4X tele extender.

Filters: Rarely used as animals are most active at dawn or dusk. Does bring a polarizer and a 3-stop neutral density for times he need a blur effect or reduce glare in water highlights, 1-5 hard stop graduated ND for video. 

Stuff sacks.
Photo backpack
Tripod - no use if you intend to freeze motion at fast shutter speeds.

 Tips for bear photography success.

Visualise and figure out tools and technique to capture that vision. Look for the best vantage point, angle of view and direction of light. Your image should tell a story, not fill the frame with the subject. H maintains a subject size 25 - 30%  of the image to provide viewer with a sense of context and scale.
Composition and background.

As the Alaskan weather is overcast for most day, same light equals to same exposure. So he uses manual exposure mode, lock the exposure in-camera. Check histogram frequently, making sure youare close to the right edge without clipping highlights.

Try to get low. Shooting on the same level as the subject provides a more intimate and impactful glimpse into the animal's domain.You observe and share the world from the bear's perspective.






Sunday, February 18, 2024

5642. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Distortion Image of financial district of Singapore

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Distortion Image of financial district of Singapore

A Distortion Image. Its foreground elements are much larger and visually distinct from the background.

A Compression Image. All elements of the image are stacked on top of each other. 

 REFERENCE: Reframing the  Concept - How a multi-week project, repeatedly photographing a nearby location (during Covid-19 pandemic) helped me let go of expectations and "see" in new ways. Jon McCormack.  May 2021

Financial District. 17 Feb 2024. 10am. 

Canon R5, 24mm, 1/250sec, f/11, ISO 100





 My example:

SINGAPORE - 17 FEB 2024: 10am. Financial district. UOB Plaza 1 at 280m (5th from R) and One Raffles Place at 277.8m (10th from R) are respectively 2nd and 3rd tallest building in Singapore today.


17 Feb 2024: The skyscrapers of the financial district of Singapore as seen from the Esplanade on a Saturday morning at 10am. I manage to get a good photo of the 2nd and 3rd tallest buildings in Singapore todate. They are respectively UOB Plaza One at 280m and One Raffles Place at 277.8m.

This is an example of a distortion image where the foreground elements are much larger and visually distinct from the background. I focus on the bougainvillae, 1/3 from the bottom of the frame. Canon R5, AV Mode, f/11, ISO 100 and 1/250 sec. Lens was 24mm.  

5-star rating is for my photograph sharpness as you can read the names of the other smaller banks in the background at 100% magnification.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

5641. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: WILDLIFE. Use a strong background or foreground or leading lines to create a feeling of scale and drama v. a tight shot.


Use a strong background or foreground to create a feeling of scale and drama v. a tight shot. Or use leading lines.

The Chattering Lory. 16 Feb 2024. Canon R5, 105mm, 1/160sec, f/5.6, ISO 1250. 

A strong background rather than a tight shot creates a feeling of scale and drama.







Wide Angle Wildlife - Josh Miller. Telephoto isn't the only option. Use Wide Angle. July 2021

Josh likes to maintain a subject size between 25 to 30% of the image. This provides a viewer with a sense of context and scale. Shoot at eye level (for birds) and low (for bears). Shooting on the same level as the subject provides a more intimate and impactful glimpse into the animal's domain.

 The Chattering Lory. 16 Feb 2024. Canon R5, 105mm, 1/160sec, f/5.6, ISO 1250. 

5640. PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: Bird. Eye contact makes attractive photo.


 PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: Bird. Eye contact makes attractive photo.

Nicobar Pigeon, Bird Paradise, 16 Feb 2024, 12.18pm is a large pigeon closely related to the extinct Dodo. Canon R5, TV, 1/1000sec, f/4.5,ISO 1600, 105mm.
Focus on eyes:   

"Near Threatened". One of the largest pigeons globally.  It has a white tail so that others in the single-line flight can see it. It dips into the water or food, grasps it, then pull back its head to swallow with a gulp. A strange behaviour. 





Joined "Friends of the Zoo" today. Evan was present. Very hot afternoon. Not many variety of birds
in Bird Paradise. One elderly Australian woman asked if I had seen the kookaburu partially hidden under the roof. It had off-white head instead of the snow-white one I saw during my last visit.


Friday, February 16, 2024

5639. PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: A sports car. Use AV and focus on ‘Ferrari logo’.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP:  A sports car. Use AV and focus on ‘Ferrari logo’.


 A sun beam on a red Ferrari in a Hainan Hotel lobby. Use AV and focus on ‘Ferrari logo’. 

Canon R5, AV, 24mm, 1/13sec, f/11, ISO 100. 






Thursday, February 15, 2024

5638. WRITING. Did it my way - crime-writing star LJ Ross


Did it my way - LJ Ross. Kindle published 25 books! June 2022 by LJ Ross


Barrister. Healthcare and financial regulation. Cases of self-serving individuals trying to defraud old people or negligent corporates desperately trying to wriggle off the hook. In fiction, the ending may be different.

1. Husband suggested writing. Resigned. Travel, but was pregnant. Completed a postgraduate diploma in psychology. Useful in doing research for the work of her main character in "Alexander Gregory" thrillers.

2. Rejected offers of representation and publication. Stringent demands.
2.1 remove all traces of relationships or romance in a crime novel.
2.2 wanted rights, in perpetuity including right to change anything they like about the story
2.3 no assurances as to distribution, marketing or much else.
Husband suggested Kindle Direct Publishing KDP platform. You keep your rights to your story, no gatekeepers, nobody tell you what to do or not to do, royalties considerably higher, upload manuscript overnight, change its content, update any time, see 'real time" sales and track the impact of any advertising etc. 

Published "Holy Island" on 1 Jan 2015. First week of May 2015, from being unheard of to knocking "The Girl on the Train" off the top spot in the UK. Homemade cover - beautiful image of Lindisfarne Castle. Edit not to high standard. 

Marketing. Fledging blog a couple of months before publishing. 15 followers. The first couple of chapters. Word-of-mouth is very powerful thing. Amazon chart to around 180. 


Amazon algorithms sport a book on a rising swiftly trend - 'May Madness' promotion. 99p. from 1.99p. ...increased visibility...from 180 flew to No. 2 to No.1 selling thousands of copies per day.  So wrote 2nd book....25 books now.  seven million books sold, 22 UK #1 bestsellers, several employees, my own publishing imprint that's founded numerous prizes for other writers and photographers, a philanthropic arm as big as the publishing side of her business, the 3rd biggest-selling ebook of all released in 2021 without much marketing spend.

she can control her own banding, cover designs, copy, content, legal rights, business relationships, marketing and advertising and, most importantly, her time.

need not attend festivals or signings, adhere to other's publishing schedule, make her own account agreements with audiobook producers, foreign publishers and print distribution side to her business. She has her own imprint - distribute print books to high street and independent booksellers, supermarkets and libraries. 

She remains a fan of 'print on demand'.  publish independently require clear-headedness and to be both creative and business-like. That can be frightening prospect for some, but fear has no place in publishing. You have to feel the fear, and do it anyway.

1. The reader is king.  Identify the 'silent' majority of your reader demographic -  what works best from a commercial standpoint.

2. Understand yourself. Literary accolades and commercial success don't always go together. You have to sacrifice one of them.

3. Establish your own business ethos in line with your personal values and be consistent. Situations will test your values by people whose ethos doesn't match your own. Be true to yourself, because no amount of chart success is equal to that of a good reputation.

4. Don't e short-sighted. Successful - offers fall at your feet. Take decisions that will stand the test of time.

5. Beware of echo chambers and stay positive. Whether 'traditionally', 'hybrid', 'independently' or 'self' published, each of these groups can create echo chambers in which their own beliefs about the publishing world are perpetuated, and it can be hard for people to shift paradigms once they're set. Rather than being reactive, first step back from a given scenario and ask yourself whether there could be an alternative view - there's no need to think of the publishing landscape as two 'tribes'. This approach applies to almost anyrhing in publishing; try to think outside the box. 

5637. WRITING. How to market your book: Top Tips

 How to market your book: Top Tips June 2022 by Cornerstones' Becky Hunter

1. Bloggers.  Self published, hire a blog tour organiser  (100-200 pounds) to set up a blog tour for you. Approach the bloggers yourself, either to set up a blog tour or to gain a bit of review. Be polite, courteous and thankful as they are doing it for free.

2. Networking. Literary festivals, Harrogate Crime Writing Festival.

3. Local bookshops.

4. Local radio and local press. Useful to follow national journalists - those that write about books or lifestyle features - on social media.

Huge topic. 


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

5636. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: iPhone 15. Steady your hands, focal point on door advert (R).

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: iPhone 15. Steady your hands, focal point on platform advert (R).

SINGAPORE - 13 FEB 2024:  Caldecott MRT Station is an underground station along the Circle Line (CCL) and the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). Opened in 2011, it is a large well maintained MRT Station.


Google Review.

5-stars for a well designed, maintained and bright MRT Station.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: iPhone 15 gives an excellent image of the Caldecott MRT Station job adverts! See photo.




5635. PHOTOGRAPHY OF CONCEPT TRAINS. Chinese New Year comes alive on MRT trains.

Commuters on the Circle Line get a taste of the Chinese New Year showcase via concept trains. The trains feature designs of Chinese New Year. Fun facts such as the traditions of Chinese New Year (CNY) will feature on the train panels.