Rabbits have only 28 teeth – 2 main incisors top and bottom (the big teeth you see at the front), 2 peg teeth (little tiny incisors beside the main top ones), and 22 premolars and molars (the grinders at the back – each side has 6 on the top and 5 on the bottom).
The incisor teeth are used to cut grass and the molars for chewing it.
The most common problem rabbits suffer from is malocclusion – this is where 2 teeth that are supposed to meet in the middle don’t meet quite square, leading to asymmetrical wear. This can result in abnormal overgrowth of the incisors, and sharp spurs, points and edges on the molars that cut the tongue and cheeks when chewing.
Most likely to occur in house rabbits fed on mainly pellets but less hay and rough diet.
Signs of dental disease include loss of appetite, drooling, weakness.
dental diseases of cheek teeth
molar spurs cause drooling in 2-year-old rabbit
Get your rabbit teeth checked up every year.