Canon R5, Tripod, TV, 1/125 sec, f/4.5, ISO 160
female mealy bug looks like a small cottony white blob and
newly hatched nymphs have attached to the plant at the leaf near the
stem joint in Countryside Park Garden, Singapore on 12 July 2023.
love to live in clusters. They suck the sap out of the plant
Countryside Park Garden, Singapore, 12 Jul 2023, 6.16pm
Canon R5, Tripod, TV, 1/125 sec, f/4.5, ISO 160
Mealy bugs are sucking insects that extract sap from the plant which may die.
Low-toxicity and organic remedies include spraying plants summer oil, neem oil or a castile soap solution. These suffocate the pests. Hence, good coverage of the plant and repeated sprays are required to keep the pest population low.
Neem oil's active ingredient is azadirachtin which turns the oil into a replelent. It is all over the plant as it is absorbed by the plant.
The use of such organic pesticides will not harm beneficial fauna like soil bacteria that can assist in pest control in your garden.
Inspecting your plants regularly and being prompt in treating such infestations are key to growing pest-free plants in the garden. For small infestations, a strong jet of water is usually sufficient to wash off the mealy bugs.
Severely infested plants to be disposed off. Trim away infested leaves and branches.
Since the life cycle is around 30 days, treat at least twice a week.
Pesticides may not be effective as the waxy coat of mealy bugs protect them.
1. They feed in clusters
2. They suck sap out of the plants. Most common sites are stem tips and where leaves connect to the stem.
3. excrete wax and honeydew (as waste product) on the plant. A gross black and sooty mold grows on it.
yellow or wilted leaves, plants die or stunted growth.
275 different species in the U.S
Mealy bugs are pink, soft-bodied with a waxy appearance. Covered in a cotton-like material that stops them from losing moisture and protects them from overheating.
They have projections like legs.
Male - oval and have wings and two filaments. Mate with female. Live around 2-3 days.
Female - round and wider than male. No wings. Grows around 1/16 inch long.
US. Most common species is the citrus mealy bug (Planococcus citri). Favourite plants are succulents.
Nymphs or crawlers feed off a plant 4 - 8 weeks to become adult.