Tuesday, May 23, 2023

4806. TRAVEL STORIES BY DR SING K Y. Galaxy Ultra S27 v Canon R5

TRAVEL STORIES BY DR SING K Y. Smartphone v Canon R5.

An 84-year-old man told me that his Galaxy Ultra S27 takes better if not as good photos as my Canon R5 and it is less heavy. He showed me his photos with trembling hands. I got one of his photo and compare the same scene of Chinatown with mine. Is his phone superior? I don't think my comparison is fair as he has trembling hands and his photo was thus not as sharp as can be.



4806. TRAVELS SINGAPORE. Lentor Estate. Bright sunshine and blue skies at 8am in Singapore on 22 May 2023.

 Singapore has bright sunshine and blue skies if one wakes up early as shown in this video of Lentor Estate on Monday 22 May 2023. There are darker days with thunderstorms but Singapore has much less flooding compared to New Zealand and other countries as it is a small urbanised country. Waking up early to go for morning walks will be much less hot and humid. 


Brisk long walks can reduce weight, but few people bother to walk as it is hot and humid later in the day. Weight reduction and healthy diet means less risk of heart disease and strokes. Many young people tend to put on weight and be sedentary. 

On 23 May 2023, I visited my brother in law. His adult son in the insurance career has put on much weight as he does not exercise. "My second job is to pick up my son from school," he said to me after spending hours inside his study room working from home. 

His wife is now so trim and alert looking. She walked from Balestier to Vivo City and elsewhere, losing much weight. "I like to see the beautiful bungalows in Novena area as I walk," she told my wife and I. At one time, she was plump, but now she is much fitter and her face is radiant and eyes are bright. "No need to pay to go to the gym," my sister-in-law said. 

Many residents give the reason for not long walks as the weather is so hot and humid. So they need to find air-conditioned shopping centres to walk the 10,000 steps but they seldom do that.



Monday, May 22, 2023

4805. Poor lighting AT 6.47pm. Quick photography of a bird.Use TV Mode.

22 May 2023, 6.47pm. Very poor lighting. Use TV Mode

Poor lighting AT 6.47pm. Quick photography of a bird.Use TV Mode.

Hand on car roof, Focus on eyes. Canon R5, TV Mode,
1/1000 sec, f/4.5, AUTO ISO (12,800 actual ISO). Focal length 105mm

Poor quality image as the ISO is 12,800. Bird is also out of focus. There is no time to use Manual Mode as the bird did not stay long.




4804. TRAVEL STORIES BY DR SING K Y. NONI TREES. Three wild noni-fruit trees off Yio Chu Kang Road.

TRAVEL STORIES BY DR SING K Y - Noni-fruit trees

21 May 2023. During my walk, I was surprised to see 3 grown noni-fruit trees taller than me. Over 2 - 3 metres tall, growing on a sloping ground behind the Yio Chu Kang Road houses. They were blocked by a new bus shelter. The leaves are generally glossy green, but some older ones have been attacked by brown circular spots. Its juices are said to be therapeutic such as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. 

Caucasians dislike the pungent smell of noni fruits. They complain of fermented or cheesy smell. These 3 noni-fruit trees grown on public land, outside the houses. They appear to be thriving and growing straight. It is possible that the residents of the houses have taken care of their nutrition. Many wild noni-fruit trees I saw are not growing well and tall above 3 m. I seldom see many in the Yio Chu Kang area though. 






Sunday, May 21, 2023

4803. Photography tips: Indoor building. Punggol Regional Library at 11.41am


Canon R5, 24-105mm. Use Tripod, AV Mode. F/11, ISO 400, 1/5 sec.
Focus on “Punggol Regional Library”. 10 May 2023, 11.41 am

To buy photo:   www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets









4802. The Adelphi Mall

 SINGAPORE - 11 MAY 2023: The Adelphi Lifestyle Mall is a shopping and office complex known for its high number of audio-equipment stores. It specialises in high-end hi-fi equipment.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

4801. Tele-consultation of 3-year-old red-eared slider with paw "abscess".


Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).  20 May 2023.

On 20 May 2023 just after midnight, the owner WhatsApp to me the first image of the swollen paw of her 3-year-old female red-eared slider.  "Should I walk in or make an appointment? My red-eared slider has a paw abscess."

The younger generation cares very much for their pets and many will research the internet to arrive at a diagnosis. In this case, is it a paw abscess? I asked for sharper images and videos preferably. "The slider bites me," said the lady owner. "I can't take more images!"

What is the solution? "Turn the slider upside down and take close-up videos of the front and sides of the right fore paw," I WhatsApp back. She did an excellent job and I was able to tell that the swollen right fore paw as due to a long-standing inflammation from multiple wounds. So it was not just one paw abscess but several, over many weeks. She confirmed that.

What is the diagnosis via tele-consultation?

The free-roaming slider in the rooms could have her nails or paw trapped on some objects or had sharp hook-like things penetrating her lower paw and interdigital areas. Her water tank was free of objects or stones and pebbles. Therefore, the cause of the injury was her lifestyle of wandering in the rooms and getting injured over the past weeks.


4800. PHOTOGRAPHY TIP. Zebra Dove high up the tree in Gardens by the Bay.


PHOTOGRAPHY TIP.  Zebra Dove high up the tree in Gardens by the Bay. Use TP Mode

zebra dove                                            

Gardens by the bay                                             

18 May 2023, 8.29am

Canon R5, Use TP Mode, 1/1000 sec, ISO Auto. Handheld. 

Actual settings are TP Mode, 1/1250 sec, ISO 125, F/4

Can the top of the line smartphone get this sharper image?

To buy photo:   www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets




Friday, May 19, 2023

4799. Photography tips: Use a tripod.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS:  Use a tripod and AV Mode, F/11 and ISO 100 to get sharp images.

A tourist takes photos of the beautiful flowers and tulips at GGB.
Tulipmania at Gardens by the Bay (GBB), 18 May 2023, 9.53 amCanon R5, AV F/11, ISO 100, 1/30 sec, TRIPOD 



To buy photo:   www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets





4798. Photography: Friend or Foe? An Oriental Garden Lizard in Indonesia looks at me.


My last day in Bintan. I was walking past a patch of grass for dinner. A creature scurried across me. Too fast to see it. It looked like the big adult Oriental Garden Lizard. But it was camouflaged inside the hedge as you can see from the photos.

I screened the hedge where it had dived for cover. There was the body and tail not covered. The lightning flashed. A few drops of imminent thunderstorm. I should hasten to shelter to protect my camera from wetness. At least, to put it away inside my camera bag.

But this was the only sighting of an Oriental Garden Lizard in The Residence, Bintan. A sprawling complex of many house villas but no wildlife. No mosquitoes to bite me. A handful of small insects or flies. Nightly fumigation of the whole estate had wiped them out by pesticide poisoning.  So the guests do not complain and will refer others. 

 To shoot or not? The lizard did not move further. Why? It was eyeing me as to whether I was friend or foe?

Focus on tail/body junction. Canon R5, AV Mode, F/8, ISO 320, 1/40 sec. 16 May 2030.
The Residence Bintan, Indonesia.  To buy photo: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets
