24 Jun 2022. Summer in Seoul Zoo. I did not expect the photos to be attractive. Only two blemishes on one sunflower - dirt and an insect - photoshopped cleared.
DSLR EOS 90, 18-200 mm, overcast sky, P Mode, a small plot of flower bed near the entrance to the Zoo.
A dwarf hamster keeps pawing his left swollen cheek. What to do?
Veterinary Stories by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)
A Be Kind To Pets Veterinary Educational Video sponsored by Toa Payoh Vets.
Singapore's younger generations of hamster owners are very well informed as they do internet research and are connected by the hamster forum whenever their hamster is sick. Sometimes, they make the correct diagnosis as in this case of a left swollen cheek in a 1.5-year-old male dwarf hamster.
On 6 Jul 2022, the lady owner WhatsApp me for appointment the next day. She had diagnosed IMPACTION of the cheek pouch.
On Thursday 7 Jul 2022, her mother brought the hamster to Toa Payoh Vets as she was working. "How long has the impaction been present?" I told her that the lower left cheek had become hairless and inflamed.
"I don't know, maybe one week or more," she replied via her smartphone. "He always store his seed and pellets inside his left cheek pouch. He would take out the food inside the pouch later. But this time, he could not do it for the past week. So he needs veterinary attention quite urgently!"
Why was there an urgency? If you view the video of the hamster at the clinic, before treatment, you can see that he was pawing his left chin and licking his two paws with lots of energy. As if he was trying to get rid of the swollen mass inside his left cheek.
With a bit of gas anaesthesia, I could extract the front portion of the big vegetable mass. The smell of stale vegetables wafted out from this mass in the treatment room. The hamster disgorged the remaining mass. He was an inpatient for 3 days for medication and observation.
As at 9 Jul 2022, the 3-day inpatient hamster is much happier with no swollen left cheek pouch now. He does not paw the skin of the left cheek area and will go home tomorrow after a course of medication and painkillers.
Phone Toa Payoh Vets +65 6254-3326, 9668-6468, 9664-0404 for prompt veterinary treatment of impacted cheek pouch in your dwarf hamster.
Early treatment prevents more severe ulceration and necrosis of the impacted left cheek pouch. The hamster's lower neck and chin were hairless, inflamed and itchy. The hamster just could not help pawing the irritating left cheek pouch, injuring her right front paws via frequent smacking at the left cheek pouch. Hoping to get rid of the dry lump about 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.9 inches.
As at 9 Jul 2022, the 3-day inpatient hamster is much happier with no swollen left cheek pouch now. He does not paw the skin of the left cheek area and will go home tomorrow after a course of medication and painkillers.
Phone Toa Payoh Vets +65 6254-3326, 9668-6468, 9664-0404 for prompt veterinary treatment of impacted cheek pouch in your dwarf hamster.
The hamster paws and paws his left swollen cheek pouch. What to do? Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)>
People who have never suffered the unbearable itchiness of the body will find it hard to understand the need to scratch and scratch to find relief from the irritable skin sensation. In this hamster, the left cheek pouch which stores seeds and pellets got into a sticky mass. The hamster could not dislodge it using his paws. He kept pawing his left cheek with his front paws for many days. He scratched his lower neck, lower side of the cheek pouch and lower chest and belly as evident from the 3-minute video taken at Toa Payoh Vets.
After the hamster had breathed in a bit of the anaesthetic gas, I could extract the front portion of the big
vegetable mass. The smell of stale vegetables wafted out from this mass
in the treatment room. The hamster then disgorged the remaining mass. He was
an inpatient for 3 days for medication and observation. Early
treatment prevents more severe ulceration and necrosis of the impacted
left cheek pouch. The hamster's lower neck and chin were hairless,
inflamed and itchy. The hamster just could not help pawing the
irritating left cheek pouch, injuring her right front paws via frequent
smacking at the left cheek pouch. Hoping to get rid of the dry lump
about 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.9 inches.
After the treatment, the hamster no longer feels itchy, bite his front legs and scratch his ears with his back legs.
Fri 8 Jul 2022. I walked to Countryside Park today instead of driving past it to Lentor St Playground. I had not walked this way for months.
1. Saw a kingfisher on the bench near the back of terraced houses, eating something. I took several photos from a long distance. His mate flew away.
2. An Oriental Garden Lizard clinging in an unexpected plant on the wall of houses on the way back to my house. He did not bother me taking photos and videos.
How long do butterflies live with wings?Most adult butterflies live onlyone or two weeks, but some species hibernate during the winter and may live several months.
The lifespan of most adult butterflies is about2-3 weeksbut this can vary greatly among species.
Butterfly wings are covered in minuscule scales that help add structure to the wing, as well as provide the colors that serve as either camouflage or warning signs to deter predators. Just brushing a wing with your finger removes hundreds of those scales, which can never grow back.
Why do butterflies get tattered wings? Rough Encounters. Over the course of a butterfly's life, its wings can be scratched by thorns, bristles, branches, grasses or anything sharp it encounters.
Why are my butterflies wings breaking?
Once the wings are dry they are dead tissue and cannot be repaired. The wings are covered with tiny modified hairs or scales and as the butterfly flaps and flies the scales fall off so their wings wear out over time
Is it OK to touch a butterfly's wings?
Butterfly wings are covered with tiny scales, each a single color. Most of the colors are produced by pigments, but the beautiful iridescence of some butterflies results from a reflective microstructure on the scale's surface.Don't touch a butterfly's wing—the "powder" that rubs off is actually the scales.
Can butterflies see their wings?
Can Butterflies see their own wings?Butterflies can, in fact, see their own wings! Butterflies have compound eyes which give them a nearly 360-degree (up to 344 degrees for some species) field of vision, both vertically and horizontally
What does a butterfly eat?
Because of their straw-like mouthparts, butterflies are mainly restricted to a liquid diet. Butterflies use their proboscis to drinksweet nectar from flowers. Nectar sometimes resides deep within a flower and the proboscis allows the butterfly to reach this sugary treat.
Many kinds of butterflies, mainly males feed on moist substances like puddles, wet gravel, scat, sweat and tears. They are gathering salts and minerals to feed the female to aid with egg development. Sometimes, many do it like a puddle club.
A small-sized butterfly with tattered hind wings in Yio Chu Kang Crescent forest, Singapore perches on a fern frond on 7 Jul 2022.
One way to prevent painful calf muscle cramps in the middle of the night
6 July 2022: One way to prevent painful calf muscle cramps in the middle of the night may be to exercise using the Leg Push Exercise Machine found in many public fitness corners in Singapore's residential estate.I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow). I am a veterinary surgeon at Toa Payoh Vets. In the past 3 years, I experienced sudden calf muscle cramps in the middle of the night. The cramps would start slowly inside the calf muscles of one leg and might occur in the other leg. I would try to extend my knee or flex it, hoping to recover. I wished that the leg would be amputated, such was the high intensity of pain in the calf muscle. I could feel the pain spreading up to the thigh muscles .Some years ago, I consulted a specialist in Singapore General Hospital.
X-rays and MRI of the calf muscles were done. NO diagnosis of the muscle cramps. The pain recured without warning for a few times. I had my anti-muscle ointment ready to rub onto the muscles when the calf muscle cramps.For the past year, I used the Leg Push Machine to strengthen my calf muscles and knee by stepping onto it ton elevate my legs and body. So far, I noted that my calf muscles are no longer soft and flabby. I don't have worries about when the calf muscles will spasm and cramp when I sleep.Whether the machine helps or not, it will take research and another 4 years to know. Much depends on the individual's health. If the cause of calf muscle cramps is unknown and the person is healthy, one way to prevent calf muscle camps may be to exercise ondd the Leg Push machine. The best is ALWAYS to consult your doctor for a proper examination.
6 Jun 2022. Yio Chu Kang Cres forest at corner of YCKC road, opposite entrance to Seletar Bus Depot.
Hot and humid but bright sunny morning 10 AM
1. Small-sized Common Grass Yellow one fluttering most of the time.
2. Medium-sized yellow white sipping nectar from Bidens pilosa wildflower (video).
3. The Peacock Pansy with right torn hind wing.
4. The Chocolate Pansy perfect
5. The tricoloured butterfly
6. The brown striped with white butterfly. Striped Albatross. Looks very white when seen from afar.
7.The busy buzzing Mormom
8. The tattered wing Chocolate Pansy butterfly x 3 videos
9. The Palm Dart (brown one today) butterfly
10. The Malayan sergeant
11. The Common Parasol
12. The brown dragonfly dull coloured.
13. The striped dragonfly.
14. Mosquitoes with blood
The Purple Cleome (Cleome rutidosperma) Host
plant for Striped Albatross (Appia libythea olferna), the Pysche
(Leptosia nina malayana) and Cabbage White (Pieris canidia canidia)
flower are composed of 4 reddish petals that gradually fade to pink or
light purple. The petals point upwards and are arranged side-by-side in a
fan-like pattern.
Herbaceous plants that form dense mats or grow as an epiphyte.
trifoliate leaves are composed of elliptic to narrowly ovate leaflets.
The leaflets are tightly packed together and united at the base without
any intervening stalk. The sunken, pinnate venation creates a quilted
leaf surface.