Wednesday, July 6, 2022

4145. WASTE - BOOK. Listening and Writing for Social Justice - Catherine Coleman Flowers

 Listening and Writing for Social Justice - Catherine Coleman Flowers
Writer's Digest Jul/Aug 2021

C C Flowers is an internationally recognised environmental activist. 

Her book: WASTE. One woman's fight against America's dirty secret.

She is an activist, an enviornmentalist, a teacher, professor and a mentor, but first she is a listener.

Real activism starts with listening. Lisening can also help one write about social justice.

She is from Lowndes Country, Ala., -- her fight to ensure basic human dignity through a right most Amerians take for granted: basic sanitation. Too many people, esp the rural poor, lack an affordable means of disposing cleanly of the waste from their toilets, consequently live amid filth. It was once America's dirty secret until she wrote about it and amplify the voices of those who had not been heard before.

Her book WASTE. For the audience to remember what was written or shared long after they put the book down, it is important to capture voices, places and contexts that paint vivid pictures. With writing for social, one has not only inspire compassion, but action, and hopefully change. 

To get the audience to understand the relationshipof environmental justrice to climate change, racial justice, rural American and failing wastewaer treatment systems. It was a tall order.

Listening to others in your community or writing about the environmental and social issues in your state is a step toward justice. It could be about climate change, plastic pollution or lack of sanitation.

Writing amplies the voices of those who have been silenced but could also offer meaningful solutions. Writing for soical justice creates powerful human connections made by putting a name and face to the narrative, which can be both lasting and transformative. 


4144. Smartphone Huawei P30 of rice terraces in Bali, 9 Sep 2011, Indonesia


6 Jul 2022. PHOTOGRAPHY TIP - 100% VIEW.
A beautiful photo of the rice terraces in Bali given to me by a young lady using her smartphone, Huawei P30. 


The image is REJECTED as not sharp at 100% view by That 100% is required by

as stock photo.

Photo posted to

to share with clients of Toa Payoh Vets







Tuesday, July 5, 2022

4143. Videos Pt 1/2 and 2/2. Why are the two 3-month-old dwarf hamsters scratching all the time?

















Video Pt 1/2. Why are the two 3-month-old dwarf hamsters scratching all the time?

30 Jun 2022 case study for video creation: 1. HOOK WITH VIDEO INTERNET CONSULTATION ON 28 JUN 2022:
"My 3-month-old male dwarf hamsters are always scratching," the lady owner messaged me on the Toa Payoh Vets Google Business for an appointment on 29 Jun 2022. "The other sibling scratches now and then. Could the cause be due to inbreeding as they were born from accidental breeding of two sibling parents earlier.? " 


Video surveillance when left alone. Both hamsters scratch furiously during the afternoon when left alone
Hamster 2 scratches much more, non-stop when left alone.


The owner brought the two hamsters for consultation. Hamster 1 had ventral dermatitis (inflamed infected skin on the lower part of the body). Hamster 2 had no obvious signs of hair loss on the neck or lower body. 

 Hamster 1 (left) has more severe skin infections of the lower body. You can see dampness on the skin and increase in dark pigmentation. Hamster 2 also scratches the whole body and bites his paws, but his lower body skin is not inflamed, hyperpigmented or moist due to licking.
"This Winter White hamster is more severely infected as he has hair loss around the lower neck and a damp lower body," I said during consultation at Toa Payoh Vets on 29 Jun. "The skin is infected and inflamed red. Infected skin can be very itchy. Hence the hamster scratches frequently to relieve his itchiness!" 
 3. INPATIENT TREATMENT AT TOA PAYOH VETS. I advise clipping of most of the hairs on the lower body for both hamsters, preferably the whole body. "But Hamster 2 has NO skin problems," my assistant was not in favour of shaving the hamster bald. " "Hamster 2 had no obvious signs of hair loss because the skin infections are below the skin and are at the early stage, " I explained to my assistant. "Shaving them bald enables the skin to be exposed to receive ventilation. The owner can wash them with antiseptic and anti-fungal washes. Otherwise, Hamster 2 may need another consultation if he becomes itchy, causing more expenses to the owner." 
The hamsters' lower body hairs were clipped short. 

Hamster 2's hairs were tested for fungal infections using the rapid test kit. There was no fungal infections. 

I videoed the two hamsters with my DSLR camera. You can see IN THIS VIDEO that both hamsters scratch their body, bit their paws for some seconds. After scratching, they would sleep for a short while. They would wake up to scratch their body and ears again.

Hamsters are nocturnal creatures and sleep during the daytime. Body itchiness prevent them from having a sound sleep. The video evidence taken in the afternoon confirms what the owner had experienced at home. That was the reason she consulted Toa Payoh Vets.

DAY 2 VIDEO AFTER TREATMENT. Less scratching on Day 1.


TIPS AND ADVICES Three-month-old male dwarf hamsters are not young unlike a 3-month-old baby in human beings. They can become fathers are around one month of age. The age of Sexual Maturity for dwarf hamsters is generally two months of age. Males bite, bully and fight at around 2 months if housed together. In this case, the cause of BODY SKIN itchiness from bite wound infections as they would be fighting as males are territorial. 
Also, the housing is cluttered. 


X = pee areas

Green lines show the entrance and exit of the hamster's tunnel in a cluttered housing
As at 7 Jul 2022, the owner has housed the two male hamsters separately. She sent me the footages of the new housing. The hamsters no longer scratch their body or bite their paws.  







Monday, July 4, 2022

4142. Cloudscapes. Crepuscular rays in Bali

 INDONESIA - 9 SEP 2011: Crepuscular rays are beams of sunlight passing through gaps in the clouds. They are made more visible by dust, smoke and other particles in the air. Sunset in Bali 

4141. The Lime Butterfly loves lime or citrus plants

 The Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malaynus) in Singapore likes citrus or lime plants

The Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus) gets its name from its host plants that are usually citrus species.

It is also a swallowtail butterfly but lacks the prominent tail that most swallowtails have. It is black with large yellow markings on the upperside, forming a band running from its forewings to hindwings. Its underside is mostly yelow with black markings.

4140. Butterfly -The Chocolate Pansy returns

 Mon 4 Jul 2022

Today, I went to Yio Chu Kang Cres forest, expecting no butterflies as the past few visits were barren.

Chocolate Pansy

The Chocolate Pansy (Junonia hedonia)

has orangey brown wings, while its underside is of a duller brown with dark stripes traversing across the wings, almost resembling leaves allowing it to camouflage well in leaf litter.

It flies in a gliding manner and tends to sunbathe with its wings wide open in sunny weather. It is about 5 to 6 cm in length.

Saw yellow fluttering butterfly that never stops flying.

The Chocolate Pansy used to be quite common, was seen today.

The Pansy

The "new" lime butterfly was seen again.  



 PHOTO 2.  9 AUG 2023.

PHOTOGRAPHY OF BUTTERFLIES. Use TV at 1/125 sec if butterfly is resting on ground level. NEED to focus on eye and get sharpness. Multiple shots over 30. 

9 AUG 2023. Esplanade Forecourt Garden
Canon R5, Tripod, 1/125 sec, f/4.5, ISO AUTO (100 in this case), 105 mm









4139. Seoul electronic road gantry in Goyang Jun 28 2022


My family had a driver. I asked him to drive me around city to take photos when the others were shopping. I said: "This part of Seoul near the river looks like the countryside with its manicured lawns and greenery." He said he would drive me within our time limit of one hour to the "countryside."  It was the extension of the satellite Goyang town.... new ERP gantry and the bay for motorists to rest and re-fuel! 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

4138. What happened to the calico cat with the malar abscess in 2019?

Be Kind To Pets Veterinary Stories by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS, (Glasgow). 2 Jul 2022 

In 4 Mar 2019, I treated the 10-year-old female spayed cat with probably the largest facial abscess in the world. 
Since that day, I had not seen the calico cat or the owner.

In 1 July 2022, the owner consulted Dr Daniel about nose bleeding in this 13-ye
ar-old calico cat and enquired about me.

But during the past 3 years, I had not seen him or the cat at my clinic. So I visited the cat to follow up. The cat had no more nose bleeding. 
 The owner welcome me as we had known each other for over 30 years. 

I had posted my consultation on 4 Mar 2019 in Youtube at:

As at 2 July 2022, this video has had 3,202,725 views since it was published. For those viewers, this cat had fully recovered from the surgery.

During my visit, I asked the owner whether he fed dry food in addition to the canned ones. “She has no teeth,” the owner lamented. “She had no teeth because they were loose and rotten,” I informed him. “I had them extracted when she had the large facial abscess.”

The owner remarked, as he had remembered the flea infestations on this cat's skin in Mar 2019 consultation: “My cat has no more bugs as my daughter had applied Frontline drops on her regularly!”

But the 72-year-old metal sheet entrepreneur could not recall the cat having a gigantic facial abscess when I asked him. His supervisor remembered as it was really as large as a golf ball!   



RE-CREATED 2022 videos x 2


4135. Adult cats have 30 teeth

Feline Dentistry Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference 2001 Sandra Manfra Marretta, DVM, Diplomate ACVS, AVDC University of Illinois Management of feline oral pathologic conditions include several specific problems, including: (1) variation in dentition and dental abnormalities, (2) abnormalities of occlusion, (3) periodontal disease, (4) odontoclastic resorptive lesions, (5) fractured teeth, (6) lymphocytic-plasmacytic stomatitis, (7) eosinophilic granuloma, and (8) nasopharyngeal polyps. 

Clinical signs associated with oral pain include: (1) changes in eating habits, (2) halitosis, (3) pawing at the mouth, (4) abnormal salivation, (5) oral hypersensitivity, (6) facial swelling, (7) oral hemorrhage, (8) sneezing, (9) nasal discharge, and (10) behavioral changes. 

Thorough oral examination will frequently reveal the source of discomfort. Recognition of normal as well as abnormal oral structures are important in the management of feline oral pain. Normal anatomic structures that may be mistaken for pathologic conditions include the incisive papilla, a small eminence located just caudal to the central incisor teeth, and the lingual molar gland, a small salivary gland, located adjacent to the lingual aspect of the mandibular molar. 

Variation in Numbers of Teeth and Dental Abnormalities The deciduous dental formula for kittens is: 2(I3/I3, C1/C1, P3/P2) = 26 teeth. The permanent dental formula for adult cats is: 2(I3/I3, C1/C1, P3/P2, M1/M1) = 30 teeth. In the cat all the incisors and canine teeth have 1 root, the maxillary 2nd premolar has 1 root, the 3rd premolar has 2 roots, and the 4th premolar has 3 roots while the maxillary 1st molar has 2 roots. The mandibular cheek teeth in a cat (3rd and 4th premolars and 1st molars) all have 2 roots. 

Abnormalities in the number of teeth in cats can be inherited, or can result from disturbances during the initial stages of tooth formation. Complete absence of all teeth, anodontia, and decreased number of teeth, oligodontia, are uncommon in cats. Supernumerary teeth are more common, and may result in crowding and malalignment of teeth with development of premature periodontal disease. The mandibular fourth premolars appear to be the most common supernumerary teeth in the cat. Supernumerary teeth that result in crowding should be extracted early. Retention of deciduous teeth rarely occurs in cats. Retained deciduous teeth should be extracted as soon as they are diagnosed so that permanent teeth may erupt into their normal position. When retained deciduous teeth are not removed, permanent teeth are deflected lingually, except maxillary canine teeth, which are deflected rostrally. Abnormalities in development of teeth occur rarely in cats. Gemination is a disorder in which the developing tooth bud attempts to split but fails to do so completely, resulting in duplication of part of the tooth but not complete twinning. Gemination teeth commonly have two crowns, each with a separate pulp chamber merging into a common root canal system which can be demonstrated radiographically.

4137. Photography tip: Lotus flower or water lilies. Good Morning greetings


To get sharp photos, steady your hands and focus on the centre of the lotus or water lily. 

Jun 2022. Lotus in Seoul Grand Park Zoo's pond. I lean on the top of the railing of the bridge, hand-held the camera and focused on the centre of the lotus below me, in the pond. "Good Morning" fonts are Edwardian Script ITC.

#lotus #waterlily #seoulgrandparkzoo



2.  Mar 2015.


Mar 2015 photo
To get sharp photos, I sat on the edge of the plantar box of lotuses, hand-held the camera and focused on the centre of the lotus below me, in the water. This lotus was grown from a root placed in the plantar box of water in a veterinary clinic.

#lotus #waterlily



I sat on the edge of the concrete plantar box in a veterinary clinic in Mar 2015.It had lotuses blooming. I focused on the central part of the flower. Good indirect sunlight. Now, it is 2022! The lotus was grown from a lotus root.