Tuesday, December 7, 2021

4054. Social Networking helps rescue/stray cats find homes faster

 Social Networking helps rescue/stray cats find homes faster 


Social Networking helps rescue/stray cats find homes faster  
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)
ate:  07 December, 2021
Be Kind To Pets
Veterinary Education
Project 2010-0129


Social Networking helps rescue/stray cats find homes faster  

Today, August 17, 2010, I met a National Library Board officer at the Toa Payoh Public Library. She does not like cats personally. However she spoke to me about her friend who pays money to caregivers to feed the stray cats and had adopted 4 strays. "She is a stray cat militant!" the single lady in her late 30s who loves to read Newsweek and Times magazine told me.

"Actually, she is a stray cat activist who cares very much about the welfare and treatment of the stray cats in Singapore" I said. I asked whether this friend is using social networking to help find homes for stray cats. She would find out for me later.

How does social networking help rescue cats? The following are some ways:

1. Facebook, Blogs, Twitter and You-tube reach more people than an ordinary website to raise awareness, do fundraising for medical treatment and food etc and find homes for the rescued cats. In 2021, there is the crowd-funding avenuue and alternatives to blogs e.g. Wordpress, Wix

2. The operator must update content and give follow-up of what has happened to the cats.

3. facebook.com. Use "fan" pages and groups as an additional help to the main website. It has many applications to enhance experience of current and potential supporters and volunteers. An example of a facebook group is  www.greatlakesbengalrescue.com which receive donations.

4. www.blackcatrescue.com's marketer, S. McDuffee has the following suggestions:

4.1. Your blog to be a part of a sub domain of your own website. If you use blogger.com or wordpress, search engines love blogs and this blog may drive more traffic to your website

4.2 Connect with blogs for other rescues and interact.

4.3 "Create a page" link in facebook to set up a page on Facebook for your breed rescue that has no website.

4.4 Facebook fan pages are better than groups as they inspire dialogue between the rescue and its fans. The page's status updates will appear on the Facebook newsfeed of any befriender.

4.5 Integrate all together the blog posts, twitter blasts into your facebook page. For your blog, do a search on facebook for "Blog RSS Feed Reader" to find the application to enable this for your blog and either the "Twitter" application or "selective Twitter" application to add Tweets to your rescue page. Add YouTube account for videos. Photos on Flickr.com.

Use a flip video camera. cheap and easy to use.

5. All these aim to get more cats adopted.

1. In Facebook.com, "The wall": Known as "newsfeed". Where updates are posted.
3. Status update: Known as "What's on your mind".
4. Fan page: A regular Facebook profile set up by you.
5. Twitter: micro-blog
6. Tweet: a twitter post
7. Application or app: software to add to your facebook profile or page to make it more interactive.
8. RSS feed: automatic syndication posting to you blog or twitter, facebook or facebook fan page.
9. URL shorteners for long URL or link. e.g. it.ly and tinyurl.

Reference: Article: Breed Rescue 2.0 by Janiss Garza
Cats USA 2101 Annual Volume 17


An example.  August 18, 2010  Stray Cat For Adoption
Dr Sing Kong Yuen's advert for home at Flickr

crusty ears, head, legs, paws, scabies, sarcoptic mange, cat, singapore, stray, toapayohvetscrusty ears, head, legs, paws, scabies, sarcoptic mange, cat, singapore, stray, toapayohvets
STRAY CAT IN SINGAPORE. Crusty ears, paws, legs, head in a stray cat in Singapore recovering after ivermectin injection and treatment. Will be fully recovered by Aug 31, 2010. Looking for a home in Singapore. Tel: +65 9668-6468 or e-mail judy@toapayohvets.com. The recovered normal healthy cat HAD BEEN ADOPTED.   

Useful Links

(updates about Coronavirus in 2021)

The Cat Care Clinic, California
(The largest feline-only hospital in California)

American Veterinary Medical Association

American Animal Hospital Association

Vet Dentistry by B H Colmery III, DVM
Diplomate ADVC (Dentistry)

Hometown Animal Hospital


Legal language is complex by nature, but we strive to make it easy to create legally binding documents at a fracture of a price by providing downloadable legal forms and simple step-by-step tools. Our goal is to help Americans save 1 billion dollars in legal fees every year.
For example, if you wish to rent out your house, there is the rental agreement and letter of intent. Many more useful forms in this website. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

4053. A retired German Shepherd dog has a skin cyst 1 cm x 1 cm.

4 Dec 2021

A retired German Shepherd dog has a skin cyst. What to do?

Be Kind To Pets Veterinary Stories by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)

The couple used to have two lovely German Shepherds who have had passed away of old age some years ago. The house has grounds for big dogs unlike 80% of the  Singapore residents who live in Housing Board (HDB) flats/  

The wife loved German Shepherds. When a retired military one was up for adoption, she had been fortunate to adopt one. She discovered a skin cyst on the right upper neck of the adopted German Shepherd. A blood test is taken to check its health before surgery to remove the cyst.

It is best to remove any cyst in the old dog as the cyst may become cancerous or expand or grow much bigger over time and irritates the dog causing infections and itchiness.



Sunday, December 5, 2021

4052. How to make digital files tutorial - excellent tutorial

5 Dec 2021. 



1. SVG

2. PNG

3. DXF

4. EPS (PNGXSVG - really high resolution file)

Use Inkscape.org (free)

5. JPG




For artists, must know whether it is a validated income stream .

validated income stream must be

1. profitable

2. scalable

3. sustainable

Which is the best way?

1.  Is commissions the best way to support themselves. Other ways like Paetron, Gum Roll which may be the best way.

2.  Are they making full time income from Paetron?  It is ideal to have one source but this is risky. Best to invest time in around 2 sources of income.

3.  What changes you have to make. Go to Etsy, phone to ask successful ones about the 3 questions.

Some artists do succeed online, so results vary. No best way.

He has a paying


Hailee E

2 months ago

I just sold almost $600 worth of art prints at a local collectibles shop. I recommend hitting up local shops if you live in an area with places that are selling art. Be sure to have a labeled portfolio of what you’re selling, your price rates, and a set of instructions on how to display them

The best question you can ask yourself is, who will be my customer? I originally wanted to sell my art prints on Etsy. They were fashion type prints. I excitedly showed them to my neighbor who makes a good living online. He asked me some questions….. He said who would buy these? Why would they buy them? Where would they hang them? Would they have a need to purchase them again? How old is the person that is going to purchase them? I couldn’t answer any of these questions because I simply hadn’t thought about it. I just loved the drawings and I loved making them and I simply thought everyone else would too. I still opened my Etsy store 5 years ago but I don’t sell my art prints there yet. I’m working on a second shop for those and will be selling digital downloads of my art work. Anyway, my point is I think you have to research your market and niche down.

I am Filled With Static
 @Anri  Most of my followers are friends that I already had or made as I continued to put my work out there. If you make genuine connections with people, they will often want to show their support. Keep putting yourself out there! Post and share, join communities on something like discord, and just keep at it! Eventually the support from your friends will help you be seen by more and more people. You got this! :D

The secret is to start by deciding who your target customer is and then asking them what problems they have that they need solved. And then figure out if your art can solve their problem. Ask what art they want you to make. Don't go about it backwards and make art and then try to convince someone to buy it. Stop being focused on yourself. Be focused on what your customer wants.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

4051: LlNKEDIN POST NO. 7. How to take a sharp image of The Common Parasol in the Yio Chu Kang Cres forest?


4 Dec 2021.

ADVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. How to take a sharp image of The Common Parasol in the Yio Chu Kang Cres forest? WAKE UP EARLY. Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow). (From Digital Photography of Willdlife - Dragonflies and Butterflies by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).


I took only 6 images of the red dragonfly asleep on a blade of grass. 

This image (above) shows dew drops on a sleeping Common Parasol

dragonfly perched on a grass blade with dew drops. I was present at around

8 am before the sunlight evaporated the dew drops on the red dragonfly.   

I used Canon DSLR camera EOS 80D, 18-55mm lens and the settings of P Mode,

Single-point focus, Auto focus.   

This photo was accepted as stock photo by


LESSON LEARNT:  One may get great photos of wildlife 

like dragonflies and butterflies if one wakes up early. These insects may still

be sleeping at around 8 am and therefore can be easier to photograph. 


https://2010vets.blogspot.com/2021/12/4051.html (this webpage)


stock photo by www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets.

Image for Instagram @davidsing1

Image for LinkedIn

Image for Sale at shutterstock.com


Neurothemis fluctuans (Fabricius, 1793)

Family Name:Libellulidae
Taxonomic Group:Invertebrates (Dragonfly and Damselfly)
Common Name:Common Parasol


DescriptionAlthough very common, its also one of the most striking species due to its reddish colouration. Males have brownish-red thorax and abdomen. Wings are almost entirely brownish-red except the tips and a thin tapering clear band around the hind margin from about its midpoint. Females are duller in colour and has clear wings. Juvenile males look like females except for the wings markings.


HabitatsParks & Gardens, Freshwater, Urban
DistributionThe most common dragonfly species in Singapore. Found at ponds in public parks like Bishan Park 2 and Toa Payoh Town Park. Widespread in tropical Asia.
Nature ReservesBukit Timah Nature Reserve, Labrador Nature Reserve, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve


Species StatusNative
Conservation StatusCommon


ReferencesTang, H.B., Wang, L.K. & Hämäläinen, M. 2010. A photographic guide to the dragonflies of Singapore. Singapore: Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research. 222pp.


Digital Photography of Willdlife - Dragonflies and Butterflies tend to our own growth and well-being. The fast pace of living today exerts great demands on us to be effective in our work and personal lives. To live well in these times is not just about acquiring another skill or working faster but it is about staying centred to what we really care about.

This requires us to pause to step back, reflect and respond to what we face each day, so that we can re-align to our purpose and passion.

Digital Photography of Willdlife - Dragonflies and Butterflies offers us a hospitable space to re-connect to what matters and to re-enter our day refreshed.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

LINKEDIN POST NO. 6. How to take a sharper image of a young squirrel in the Yio Chu Kang Cres forest?

How to take a sharper image of a young squirrel in the Yio Chu Kang Cres forest?


I took only 6 images of the squirrel in two positions. 

1.  The first image (below) shows him eating his breakfast. All 6 were

out of focus and rejected by www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets where I sell my stock photos. 

2. The second image (below) shows him leaving the branch as he had finished his breakfast.

This photo was accepted as stock photo by www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets

I should have taken at least 20 images of each position and

hope to get one good one for stock photography.


WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: On 1 Dec 2021, 9AM, I sat on a concrete block marker in Yio Chu Kang Cres forest and saw a small dark brown mass on a tree branch some 50 m away. It was a young squirrel eating his breakfast. Canon DSLR 90 EOS 90D, EFS 18-200mmm, P Mode, Focus on the head area as I couldn't see the eyes. Rare sighting due to habitat loss for development of N-S Corridor.

1 Dec 2021. A young squirrel eats breakfast in Yio Chu Kang Cres forest. Dr David Sing.
More Singapore stock photos for sale at: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets

This image is accepted by www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets as stock photo for sale

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

4049. Hamster videos**** -


116K subscribers

How did I bond with my hamster so quickly? How to tame a hamster without getting bitten? I have shared some personal tips in this video.

How to tame hamsters and minimise biting? Tips


Sunday, November 28, 2021

4048. Pangolin spotted in Yio Chu Kang Lentor Estate storm water canal early in the morning in Oct 2021. stormwater canal.


PUB's Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters (ABC Waters) sites.
The ABC Waters programme is PU's initiative to integrate drains, canals and reservoirs holistically into the urban environment with community spaces for all to enjoy. 

Entire Bedok Canal will be improved entirely to increase the drainage capacity to cope with the more intense rainfall and enhance the flood protection for the surrounding area.

Upgrading the section incorporates ABC Waters enhancements to create new community spaces for residents.

At Bedok Canal, railings installed along the canal are at the standard height of 1.1m. Railings along the footbridge across the danal on elevated ground are 1.4m to protect cyclists and pedestrians. The grey granolithic floor-screed was designed to provide slip resistance and safety for users. 

ABC Waters sites at Sungei Pandan, Sungei Ulu Pandan or Juront Lake to enjoy the beautiful water bodies and community spaces.  

4047. Skin tumour in a Norwegian Forest cat

Norwegian Forest Cat, 7 years, FS, 4.4 kg.  Normal except thrombocytopaenia (low blood platelets)*.
Big black nodular skin tumour 2 cm x 1.5 cm x 1 cm seen.

Anaesthetic risks - xylazine+ketamine IM + isoflurane gas
Surgical risks - dangerous internal bleeding can occur post-op
Electro-surgery used.
Bandage on head after surgery to prevent bleeding and haematoma

If this is a malignant tumour - resection margin of skin from tumour to be 1 cm ideally, in case  malignant cells have had migrated to skin.

Wound stitched after tumour removal to be circular of 1.0 cm diameter. Large wound. Z-plasty needed to release tension instead of just stitching up the circular wound which will break down due to high tension in this area below the ear.

Clipped bald - no other skin tumours seen 

OUTCOME. The owner is happy with the cat surviving the anaesthesia and surgery. He nurses the cat at home. Cat is eating normally now. Photo of cat on Day 3 from owner. 



*Low blood platelets   156.  Normal is 300 - 800 x 10^9/L
1. Active, normal appetite and drinking normal. Urine and stool normal. 
2. Not short of breath
3. No skin bruises
4. No anaemia, kidney or liver disease
5. Total white cell and red cell count normal.



draft video
