ST Aug 5 2021 B3
8 new nursing homes set up in past 5 years.
IMAGE. The number of nursing home beds rose from 13,000 to 16,000 between 2016 and 2020. Senior Minister of State for health, Dr Koh Poh Koon stressed the importance of caring for seniors in the community as far as possible, saying this includes ensuring they have an active social support group.
Ageing Singapore population. Importance of caring for seniors in the community as far as possible. This includes making sure they have an active social support network that promote emotional and physical well being. Make sure they have good health to carry on a meaningful life in their golden years.
Keep them healthy. If they do have care needs, try and localise them within the community... rather than thinking about institutionalising them in nursing homes.
Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital opens 2nd nursing hme in Potong Pasir in 2 Oct 2022. It is one of the oldest charitable healthcare instituions here. New facility has 438 beds. Total 1,200 in 6 eldercare facilities. Other nursing home in Serangoon Road. 4 care centres offer eldercare services during the day.
usual services as a senior care centre, the new home supports up to 75 seniors daily through activities like dancing and taiji and soical work such as weekly visits to lonely seniors and running errands for them.
be an active ageing care hub welcoming seniors to drop in for social and recreational activities to keep them engaged in the community.
Potong Pasir has high number of seniors compared to national average. Many need nursing, daycare and TCM service.
specialises in dementia care, receive eniors with dementia from public hospitals.