Sunday, August 15, 2021

3619. Nursing homes in Singapore

 ST Aug 5 2021  B3

8 new nursing homes set up in past 5 years.

IMAGE. The number of nursing home beds rose from 13,000 to 16,000 between 2016 and 2020. Senior Minister of State for health, Dr Koh Poh Koon stressed the importance of caring for seniors in the community as far as possible, saying this includes ensuring they have an active social support group. 

Ageing Singapore population. Importance of caring for seniors in the community as far as possible. This includes making sure they have an active social support network that promote emotional and physical well being.  Make sure they have good health to carry on a meaningful life in their golden years. 

Keep them healthy. If they do have care needs, try and localise them within the community... rather than thinking about institutionalising them in nursing homes. 




Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital opens 2nd nursing hme in Potong Pasir in 2 Oct 2022. It is one of the oldest charitable healthcare instituions here. New facility has 438 beds. Total 1,200 in 6 eldercare facilities. Other nursing home in Serangoon Road. 4 care centres offer eldercare services during the day.  


usual services as a senior care centre, the new home supports up to 75 seniors daily through activities like dancing and taiji and soical work such as weekly visits to lonely seniors and running errands for them.

be an active ageing care hub welcoming seniors to drop in for social and recreational activities to keep them engaged in the community. 


Potong Pasir has high number of seniors compared to national average. Many need nursing, daycare and TCM service. 

specialises in dementia care, receive eniors with dementia from public hospitals. 

3618. wildlife town council poisoning

 ST 5 Aug 2021  B3

NParks urging town councils to stop 'toxic' wildlife control steps

The National Parks Board (NParks) is working with town councils to stop the use of poison in animal control measures.  Stop the use of toxins and to adopt animal control measures and practices that are humane and safe

NParks does not use poison in the control of pest birds.   

Many cases where cats, dogs and other animals consume the poisoned animal and subsequently die. 

Action plan for urban wildlife management focusing on co-existence rather than removal of wildlife.

NParks works closely with stakeholders such as nature groups, academics, agencies and community on various initiatives, including developing educational resources and out-reach initiatives to advise community on how to respond to wildlife sighting and working with nature groups on matter like wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release.

But NParks may need to remove wildlife to safeguard public safety, where needed. Work closely with the community to promote harmonious human-wildlife co-existence to transform Singapore into a City in Nature. 

Public - not feeding wildlife, keeping our residential areas clean and appreciating wildlife from a safe distance.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Trends in investment _Temasek

A19 ST Forum  21 Jul 2021  for Temasek performance

Temasek has confidence in the long-term potential of Asia 

reshaping portfolio towards longer term structural or secular trends like digitalisation, sustainable living, the future of consumption and longer lifespans.

Temasek hs chosen to lean on carbon abatemenr and other goals for planet, people and prosperity.

Monday, August 9, 2021

3616. 56th National Day. SMART PARENTING. WHO pre school guidelines

 Venue. Padang, National Stadium,The Float@Marina Bay, decentralised multiple venues

Highlights of the parades include the state flag fly past, aerial manoeuvres by the RSAF and free fall jumps by the SAF parachute team known as the Red Lions 

SMART PARENTING   ST 9 Aug 2021   C1

2019 WHO 24-hour guidelines for pre schoolers on physical activity, sedentary behaviour ( including screen media use) and sleep. Not more than 1 hour of screen time- Sg 2.15 hours during pandemic. 

WHO physical play 3 hours. Sg 2.25 hours 

WHO  Of 3 hours, 1 hour S b energetic play outdoors 

Only 66% in 2020

WHO sleep time 10 to 13 hours. SG  10.5 hours daily 

Much of society is obesogenic     Behaviour tending towards obesity  sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise Omnipresent screen time, highly sedentary school n home routines and non energetic indoor play 

Pandemic restrictions…more screen time, less physical activity, lots indoor time, greater access to order-in convenience food 

Smart phone and tablets  preschool children now

Compelling neuroscience what parents do or do not do in the first 5 years of life matter

Includes early n frequent parent n in- person engagement which are critical for language acquisition and social and emotional development 

Absence of engagement …behavioural emotional and social problems, and language and learning delays 

Daily behaviour of parents and children as a whole.    eating playing screen time  learning and parent- cold bonding   Not just engaging in screen time 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

3613. A 15-year-old cat cannot pee

Thur 8 Jul 2021.

A recumbent thin cat. Female spayed 15 years old.
Vomiting past 4 days after being hand fed canned food.
Fell from the bed. 

Painful twitch when moderately full bladder 3" x 3" or 2 golf-ball size is palpated.

19 Jun 2021 23 Jun 2021
Laboratory ID:
Breed: Received on:
15 yr
Domestic Short Hair 19 Jun 2021
Specimen received: EDTA blood
9BS00000SG Blood smear interpretation by pathologist Specimen
Total three slides received. Unstained blood smears x3 -> (s0-2) (labelled Bld Smr 19/6).

Clinical History
Chronic neutropenic and anaemia. Additional History on file.

Microscopic Examination
The erythrocyte density of the specimen appears moderately to markedly decreased. Polychromatophils are not observed. Erythrocyte morphology is otherwise unremarkable.
The leukocyte density of the specimen appears markedly decreased. Mature, segmented neutrophils are rare and are found mainly at the feathered edge of the smear. Mononcytes and small lymphocytes are similarly rare. Leukocyte morphology is unremarkable.
Platelet numbers appear markedly decreased. Platelets morphology is unremarkable.

Peripheral blood, pancytopenia

Bone marrow evaluation, including core biopsy, is recommended if clinically warranted, as extramedullary causes of pancytopenia are few and uncommon. Bacterial sepsis, feline infectious peritonitis, and infection with Cytauxzoon felis may also be considered if consistent with this cats clinical presentation.

(FIV positive on test).



Thursday, July 1, 2021

3612. 1 Jul 2021. Briefing on video production

 1. Hook

2. Angle - Point of View. A short video 2-5 min cannot cover the whole topic of diagnosis and treatment.

3. Title - e.g. The Case of the hamster that cannot stop scratching - allergies?

4. In this video 1/2, we will discuss about the food allergy trial and fungal culture.

No fungus - no change of colour ....explain. Show a slide with red colour indicating fungus.

*5. Bacterial infection - had been on antibiotics. Unlikely but possible. (Bacterial culture is costly).


Video 2/2

In-patient treatment

Food allergy trial

Ear drops - ear scratching by hamster
Anti-Mite drop

VIDEOS DAY 1,  DAY 7,  DAY 14  

Not fully recovered. Owner to continue feeding restricted types of seeds. Show photo. Review in 2 weeks. Active, very much less scratching but not fully recovered.. 


Saturday, June 26, 2021

3611. You Tube Events APAC


YouTube Events APAC

Thu, Jun 24, 3:49 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Hello Dr Sing Kong Yuen

Thank you for verifying.
I'm afraid we cannot remove the questions from the registration form, 
so please proceed to submit your channel details as below when you register:

■ Channel name: Kong Yuen Sing
■ Channel ID: UCBEFtVObfcLkaM-HX5VGVfw
■ Subscriber number: 65800 
■ What type of content do you create on your channel? : Lifestyle

Please contact us again if you have any questions.
Hope to see you at the event!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

3610. PHOTO STORIES. Cuba's 'John Wayne' street photographer. Photography tips. Amateur photographer

 Amateur Photographer  27 Mar 2021

Julio Munoz, Cuban documentary photographer 

He uses Canon EOS 750D, 28mm f/2.8 lens.  Very dependable, quick to use, light but robust.

In documentary photography, your subject s are humans. You are studying how they live, what they do, their hardships and triumphs. It gives the photographer the opportunity to better understand humanity, respect others and become a better person.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

3609. Shutterstock. Changi Airport waterfall. 21 Jun 2021

 22 Jun 2021.

Changi Airport Jewel re-opens to the public, but T1, 2 and 3 are closed to the public. 

Took 3 videos of waterfall. Two are in Shutterstock. 


      goto videos



Saturday, June 19, 2021

3608. A factory dog has yellow gums and eye whites. Jaundice.

 An emaciated factory dog stopped eating - yellow gums and eye whites.

This emaciated 6-year-old female factory dog stopped eating for the past few days. I checked her gums and eye white. They were yellowish, indicating jaundice. Blood test confirmed jaundice. Liver enzymes were elevated. ALT = 323 U/L - normal should be less than 59 normal. AST = 81 U/L normal should be less than 81. Although the total white cell count was normal, the neutrophils were 93.3%, absolute 9.89 x 10^9/L. Normal should be around 80%. The lymphocytes went down to 6%, absolute 0.65 x 10^9/L. Normal should be around 20%. There is a possibility of bacterial infections although the dog had no fever. X-rays showed hard lumps of stools which were palpable. The factory owner did not want further treatment other than Zentonil tablets for the liver and antibiotics. The dog was given IV drip with antibioitc. She ate during the one-day in-patient treatment and went home. UPDATES AT: