Thursday, June 26, 2014

1389. FINAL Copy - MVA - Guidelines on pyometra treatment email to the MVA

Recent Advances in Veterinary Practice No.3
Myanmar Veterinary Association, July 5, 2014

Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS
Founder of Toa Payoh Vets, Singapore.,

Pyometra is an infected uterus filled with pus. The uterine lining (endometrium) becomes cystic and hyperplastic due to the effects of oestrogen and progesterone. Bacteria from the vagina enters the cervix to invade the uterine lining leading to inflammation and pus formation.  

If the cervix remains closed, the pus accumulates in large quantities inside the uterus (closed pyometra). If the cervix is open, the pus is discharged via the vagina (open pyometra).  (VIDEO & IMAGES)

If there are ovarian remnants after spay, the stump of the uterus may become infected (stump pyometra). This occurs any time after ovariohysterectomy.  (IMAGE CAT STUMP PYOMETRA X 2)

In Singapore, almost all home cats are spayed to prevent them caterwauling (loud cries of heat). So pyometra in cats is uncommon.  However, many dog owners do not spay their dogs for reasons such as cruelty and therefore pyometra of older bitches is encountered often .

Yangon appears to have a higher incidence of pyometra in cats and dogs as they have been treated with the synthetic progesterone (Depo-M or Contracep)  IM every 3-4 months to suppress the heat cycle.   (IMAGE OF DEPO-M & CONTRACEP). However, client education has led to more owners opting for ovariohysterectomy (IMAGE OF DOG BOMA).   

This paper shares my experiences with the treatment of pyometra for the last 40 years. I graduated from Glasgow University in1974 and am still practicing.  My guidelines are as follows:

1. A correct diagnosis is important.
1.1 History of estrus. Do a thorough physical examination including weighing the dog, taking rectal temperature and checking for false pregnancy or mating.

TIP. Always ask the owner when the vomiting intact female dog has the last estrus.  Pyometra occurs usually 1-12 weeks after estrus. I see many cases around 2 months after estrus. Pyometra may co-exist in pregnancy (20-24 days after ovulation) but it is rare.

1.2 Clinical signs. Important ones are fever, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal swelling, vaginal discharge and nipple discharge of false pregnancy. Many owners do not provide correct information saying that the vomiting dog has been fed a wrong type of food and had diarrhoea. I had a case when the vet misdiagnosed the closed pyometra as acute gastroenteritis (IMAGE OF HUSKY). The dog died of septicaemia and shock when I did the emergency ovariohysterectomy. Some owners say that the dog does not have polydipsia but has polyuria.

2. Uterine palpation (large uterus for closed pyometra). Abdominal pain or discomfort (dog bites) may be present in a swollen abdomen.

TIP. Practise abdominal palpation in every dog or cat  and you will be able to feel swollen loops of uterine horns in the abdomen. The radiographs will show the swellings (IMAGE OF SONIA, Jack Russell) of closed pyometra.

3. Vaginal discharge (serosanguinous or mucopurulent) is seen in open pyometra (IMAGE & VIDEO).

4. Blood test. CBC/Biochemistry. Leucocytosis, neutrophilia and thrombocytopenia in closed pyometra cases. Anaemia. High serum BUN and creatinine will point to kidney damage.  

TIP. Always advise a blood test to screen the health of the dog and possible kidney damage to determine the anaesthetic risks and prognosis. Some closed pyometra cases may have permanent kidney damage and will continue to vomit even after spay as in one case of a Miniature Schnauzer whose owner’s father procrastinated surgery. The owner was satisfied that the vomiting was due to kidney damage rather than from my surgery as I had interpreted the high serum BUN and urea to her from the blood test.  Without this blood evidence, some owners blame the vomiting on the vet doing an incompetent spay.   

5. Imaging
5.1 Survey radiography may show large distended uterine horns or loops in closed pyometra.
5.2 Ultrasonography shows thickened uterine wall (cystic endometrial hyperplasia and intraluminal fluid (pus). Normal uterine wall cannot be detected by ultrasonography.

6. Client Education & Informed Consent Form.
6.1. Pyometra is a medical emergency. Prognosis depends on the health of the dog as shown in the blood test results of CBC/Biochemistry as well as physical examination.
6.2  Informed consent for anaesthesia and surgery explaining the high risks involved esp. for old dogs. This is important as there have been litigation against Singapore surgeons who have not fully explained the risks of anaesthesia and surgery.
6.3  An estimated amount of medical costs must be given to the owner before the surgery. A pyometra surgery and anaesthesia in small breeds cost around $800 in Toa Payoh Vets in 2014.  

1. Immediate I/V fluid therapy, antibiotics and pain-killers for 1-2 days. I usually give Hartmann’s, dextrose and amino acids, baytril and spasmogesic IV. The dog is an in-patient.

1.  I use 25-50% of the calculated dosage I/V for sedation/induction depending on the health of the dog. Then I intubate and maintain with isoflurane + o2 anaesthesia. If the dog is very weak and lethargic, I use entirely isoflurane + O2 anaesthesia and find this to be very effective and safe.

1.1 My calculated dosage is as follows: For a young 10-kg dog, Domitor + Ketamine IV = 0.4 ml + 0.5 ml respectively.

1.2. For very old (over 10 years) dogs and/or in poor health, I use only isoflurane + oxygen gas.

2. Clipping and cleaning to be done before sedation outside the operating room reduces anaesthetic time and risks.

3. Make a long incision carefully to get the swollen uterus out easily and without rupturing the friable parts, contaminating the abdomen with pus.

TIP. The full bladder may be just below the skin. If the vet is not careful, the bladder may be cut spilling urine into the peritoneum.

3.1  I use the 3-haemostat method to clamp and ligate. I release the middle of the 3 haemostats. Then I ligate on the clamped grooved area vacated by the middle of the 3 haemostats.

TIP. I see some vets use only 2 haemostats and do not ligate over the clamped area. So, the ligature slips leading to bleeding.  Some vets using this method ligate two the ovarian ligament in two areas instead of the usual one spot.

For the uterine body, I usually ligate the clamped area of the middle of the 3 haemostats. In big breeds, I used the inverting continuous suture to close the stump and ligate the stump.

TIP. Be careful. Avoid contamination of the peritoneum with pus leaked from the uterus.  

4. Sutures. For medium to large breed dogs, I use 2/0 braided absorbable sutures (Polysorb). For small breeds I use 3/0 sutures. My associate vet, Dr Daniel prefers the monofilament absorbable sutures (Monosyn).

5. I use Anti-sedan IM to reverse and abolish the effects of Domitor sedation in cases where the dog is still not conscious after the surgery. The dog is usually awake within 5 minutes of the injection.

6. Post-op Nursing. The dog is hospitalised around 3 days to lower the medical costs. She goes home with antibiotics for another 10 days and an Elizabeth collar. Tolfedine pain-killers are given for the first 4 days.

7. Outcome. If the dog is not extremely ill, she recovers very well from the surgery. The blood test is useful in client education as regards any permanent kidney damage (high serum BUN and creatinine and phosphous).

8. Practise evidence-based medicine as clients are better educated and have high expectations. Some 10 years ago, in one case, the dog kept vomiting and died despite being spayed. I did not do the blood test to check for kidney damage as the owner wanted the cheapest medical cost. Her family members sent mass e-mails to everyone in Singapore advising them to avoid me. There are strangers and a doctor who phone me to let me know.  Nowadays, they use Facebook or pet forums to voice their grievances against the vet.

8.1 AMA (Against Medical Advice). Nowadays, I give the client a written record that he does not want blood tests, X-rays or procedures as advised by me. I have the written evidence in case of litigation or complaint. In computerized records, there is the allegation of falsifying evidence by deleting the earlier record but vets using manual records need to keep proper records to protect their reputation.

Make a long incision to access the retained or remnant ovarian tissues located caudal to the kidney area. The remnant ovary is usually cystic and enclosing the sutures. (IMAGE).

1. PGF2alpha is an effective pregnancy terminating drug. It causes uterine contractions to expel the pus. In closed pyometra, the uterus may rupture. I have no experience with this treatment.

However, a senior vet in Singapore had one successful case. He incised the linea alba to be able to view the swollen uterine horns. He passed catheters into the uterine horns to suck out the pus and pumped normal saline and antibiotics to irrigate the uterus. The Pekinese gave birth to one pup at the next cycle.     

In most practices, the client wants “cheap and good” surgery. Sometimes the kinder vet tries to reduce medical costs by not taking blood tests or doing only one view in radiography. No ultrasonography will be done. It is best to practice evidence-based medicine by taking blood test and X-rays. Pyometra is a medical emergency and if the dog does die on the operating table, all family members feel that the vet is incompetent. After all, he has not done blood tests which other vets would have done.    
A Video of one of my recent case of closed and open pyometra will be screened. It is at:

Written notes about the video:

When the vet (myself) said that the dog had a very low chance of survival on the operating table and the medical costs were high in this closed-open pyometra case, the owner felt that it would  a waste of money paying for such a high risk anaesthesia.  He decided to bring the dog home after my I/V treatment to die at home.

But I noticed that there was this 12-year-old boy who cried his heart out. Some vets don't follow up as the owner had decided and they had no time to "solicit" for business and risk being rejected.

But this little boy loves this 14-year-old dog very much as tears streamed down his face when the father decided on no operation. He knew the outcome would be death from septicaemia (leucocytosis, neutrophilia, thromobocytopenia in the blood test).

I phoned the father (owner) the next morning. The dog was still passing bloody vaginal discharge and had become lethargic.

I reduced the surgical costs to give this high anaesthetic risky canine patient a chance to live.

Time was running out on her as she became sick again. Her serosanguinous vaginal discharge flowed out like a burst dam.

If she survived the operation, the little boy would get his companion back to health and that was what mattered to me in this case.

 "Don't wait till you have finished work this evening to bring the dog down," I advised the father. "Bring her down now while she still has a fighting chance to live. Time is running out."

Dr Daniel operated immediately in the afternoon. The dog was warded one night. The little boy was most happy to have his companion back home the next day with his mother. "Are you happy now?" I asked him as he carried his friend carefully into the car. "Yes," he beamed to me his best smile.

This is a case where a vet can make a difference if he take the time to follow up before time has run out for a little boy's best friend. Now, as at Jun 25, 2014, around 2 months after spay, the 14-year-old dog is normal.

This case encourages the vet to care for the sick pyometra dog by following up with the owner the next day. Reducing the medical costs would be needed in some cases where money was a concern.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

1388. Myanmar Seminar - Video; Closed and open pyometra

Recent Advances in Veterinary Practice No.3
Myanmar Veterinary Association, July 5, 2014


Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS
Founder of Toa Payoh Vets, Singapore.,

Pyometra is an infected uterus filled with pus. The uterine lining becomes cystic and hyperplastic due to the effects of oestrogen and progesterone. Bacteria from the vagina enter the cervix to invade the uterine lining leading to inflammation and pus formation.  

If the cervix remains closed, the pus accumulates in large quantities inside the uterus (closed pyometra). If the cervix is open, the pus is discharged via the vagina (open pyometra).  (VIDEO & IMAGES)

If there are ovarian remnants after spay, the animal may develop pyometra of the stump of the uterus (stump pyometra) any time after ovariohysterectomy.  (IMAGE CAT STUMP PYOMETRA X 2)

In Singapore, almost all apartment cats are spayed to prevent anti-social noises of caterwauling and so pyometra in cats is uncommon.  However, many dog owners do not spay their dogs for reasons such as cruelty and therefore pyometra is more frequently seen in veterinary practice.

Yangon appears to have a higher incidence of pyometra in cats and dogs as they have been treated with the synthetic progesterone (Depo-M or Contracep)  IM every 3-4 months to suppress the heat cycle.   (IMAGE OF DEPO-M & CONTRACEP). However, client education has led to more owners opting for ovariohysterectomy (IMAGE OF DOG BOMA).   

This paper shares my experiences with the treatment of pyometra for the last 40 years after my graduation from Glasgow University in1974.  My guidelines are as follows:

1. A correct diagnosis is important.
1.1 History of estrus. Do a thorough physical examination including weighing the dog, taking rectal temperature and checking for false pregnancy or mating.

TIP. Always ask the owner when the vomiting intact female dog has the last estrus.  Pyometra occurs usually 1-12 weeks after estrus. Pyometra may co-exist in pregnancy (20-24 days after ovulation) but it is rare.

1.2 Clinical signs. Important ones are fever, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal swelling, vaginal discharge. Many owners give false information saying that the vomiting dog was fed a wrong type of food and had diarrhoea. I had a case when the vet misdiagnosed the closed pyometra as acute gastroenteritis (IMAGE OF HUSKY). The dog died of septicaemia and shock when the owner consulted me. Some owners say that the dog does not have polydipsia but has polyuria.

2. Uterine palpation (large uterus for closed pyometra). Abdominal pain or discomfort (dog bites) may be present in a swollen abdomen.

3. Vaginal discharge (serosanguinous or mucopurulent) is seen in open pyometra. VIDEO.

4. CBC/Biochemistry. Leucocytosis and neutrophilia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, high serum BUN and creatinine, low haematocrit.

TIP. Always advise a blood test to screen the health of the dog and possible kidney damage to determine the anaesthetic risks and prognosis. Some closed pyometra cases may have permanent kidney damage and will continue to vomit even after spay as in one case of a Miniature Schnauzer whose owner’s father procrastinated surgery. The owner was satisfied that the vomiting was due to kidney damage rather than from the surgery as I had interpreted the high serum BUN and urea to her from the blood test.  Without this blood evidence, some owners blame the vomiting on the vet doing an incompetent spay.   

5. Imaging. 
5.1 Survey radiography may show large distended uterus or loops.
5.2 Ultrasonography shows thickened uterine wall (cystic endometrial hyperplasia and intraluminal fluid (pus). Normal uterine wall cannot be detected.

6. Client Education & Informed Consent Form.
6.1. Pyometra is a medical emergency. Prognosis depends on the health of the dog as shown in the blood test results of CBC/Biochemistry.
6.2  Informed consent for anaesthesia and surgery explaining the high risks involved esp. for old dogs.
6.3  Financial costing explained. VIDEO.

1. Immediate I/V fluid therapy, antibiotics, pain-killers for 1-2 days as inpatient case.

1.  Use 25-50% of the calculated dosage for I/V sedation depending on the health of the dog.. Intubate and maintain with isoflurane + oxygen gas. I use only isoflurane + oxygen gas anaesthesia in very old or sick dogs as this will be much safer to ensure survival. 

1.1 My calculated dosage is: For a young 10-kg dog, Domitor + Ketamine IV = 0.4 ml + 0.5 ml respectively.

1.2. For very old (over 10 years) dogs and in poor health, I use only isoflurane + oxygen gas.

2. Clipping and cleaning to be done before sedation outside the operating room.

3. Make a long incision carefully. The full bladder may be just below the skin and may be incised spilling urine into the peritoneum.

3.1  I use the 3-haemostat method to clamp the blood vessels of the ovary and uterus. I ligate  the clamped grooved area vacated by the middle of the 3 haemostats.  For the uterine body, I usually ligate in two areas. In big canine breeds, I use the inverting continuous suture to close the stump to prevent pus leaking and contaminating the abdomen.

I note that some vets use 2 haemostats and ligate below the haemostat while they cut off the tissues between the 2 haemostats.  In this method, the ligature may slip off causing bleeding.

4. Sutures. For medium to large breed dogs, I use 2/0 braided absorbable sutures (Polysorb). For small breeds I use 3/0 sutures. My associate vets like the monofilament absorbable sutures (Monosyn).

5. I used Anti-sedan IM to reverse and abolish the effects of Domitor sedation. The dog usually is awake within 5 minutes of the injection.


6. The dog is hospitalised around 3 days to lower the medical costs. She goes home with antibiotics for another 10 days and an Elizabeth collar. Tolfedine pain-killers are given for the first 4 days.

7. Outcome. If the dog is not extremely ill, she recovers very well from the surgery. The blood test is useful in client education on the permanent kidney damage (high serum BUN and creatinine and phosphous).

8. Practise evidence-based medicine by doing blood tests, urinalysis and radiography. Some 10 years ago, in one case, the dog kept vomiting and died despite being spayed. I did not do the blood test as the owner wanted the cheapest medical cost. This owner or her family members sent mass e-mails to everyone in Singapore advising them to avoid me. Nowadays, they use Facebook or pet forums anonymously to bad-mouth any vet who did not perform to their expectations.

8.1 AMA (Against Medical Advice). Nowadays, I give the owner a written record that he did not want blood tests, X-rays or lab tests as advised by me.

Make a long incision to access the ovary caudal to the kidney area. The remnant ovary is usually cystic and enclosing the sutures. (IMAGE).

1. PGF2alpha is an effective pregnancy terminating drug. Causes uterine contractions to expel the pus. In closed pyometra, the uterus may rupture. In Singapore, a senior vet had one successful case. He incised the linea alba to access the swollen uterus. He passed catheters into the uterine horns to suck out the pus and pumped normal saline and antibiotics to irrigate the uterus. The Pekinese gave birth to one pup at the next cycle.    

Video of one case of pyometra,  produced as educational video as follows: A 14-year-old X had closed and open pyometra. This video will be screened.

Written notes about the video:

When the vet (myself) said that the dog had a very low chance of survival on the operating table and the medical costs were high in this closed-open pyometra case, the owner probably felt that it would not be justified paying for such a high risk anaesthesia.  He decided to bring the dog home to die.

But I noticed that there was this 12-year-old boy who cried his heart out. Some vets don't follow up as the owner had decided and they had no time to "solicit" for business and risk being rejected..

But this little boy loves this 14-year-old dog very much as tears streamed down his face when the father decided on no operation. He knew the outcome would be death from septicaemia (leucocytosis, neutrophilia, thromobocytopenia in the blood test).

I phoned the father (owner) the next morning. The dog was still passing bloody vaginal discharge and had become lethargic.

I reduced the surgical costs to give this high anaesthetic risky canine patient a chance to live.

Time was running out on her as she became sick again. Her serosanguinous vaginal discharge flowed out like a burst dam.

If she survived the operation, the little boy would get his companion back to health and that was what mattered to me in this case.

 "Don't wait till you have finished work this evening to bring the dog down," I advised the father. "Bring her down now while she still has a fighting chance to live. Time is running out."

Dr Daniel operated immediately in the afternoon. The dog was warded one night. The little boy was most happy to have his companion back home the next day with his mother. "Are you happy now?" I asked him as he carried his friend carefully into the car. "Yes," he beamed to me his best smile..

This is a case where a vet can make a difference if he makes time to follow up before time has run out for a little boy's best friend. Happiness in the boy's face when the dog went home the day after surgery would be hard to describe. "Are you happy now?" I asked him as he sat at the back of the car with this old dog. "Yes," he nodded vigorously while his mummy was most happy too..

Time was running out as the bacterial toxins would cause permanent kidney damage. The father's decision to operate  saved the dog's life. .

Now, as at Jun 25, 2014, around 2 months after spay, the 14-year-old dog is normal.

This case encourages the vet to care for the sick pyometra dog by following up with the owner the next day. Reducing the medical costs would be needed in some cases where money was a concern.

OTHER VET EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS FOR REFERENCES OR AS A BACK UP AS THERE IS NO TIME FOR SCREENING. A Golden Retriever has open pyometra.  Not for screening owing to lack of time. Enactment by 2 interns. A Maltese has closed pyometra. Part 1. Enactment by 2 interns. A Maltese has closed pyometra. Part 2.

1387. Mynamar talk: Treatment of recurring urethral obstruction in a 4-year-old male cat in Yangon and in Singapore

Each vet has his or her own way of treating a cat with urethral obstruction. In my experience of treating a Singapore cat with urethral obstruction, not every case can lead to successful outcomes.

The narrow diameter of the penile urethra can be blocked again. The recurrence after treatment  will need to be investigated in more detail. It may be a lower urinary tract infection which has not responded to antibiotics given or the presence of uroliths in the bladder or rarely in the kidneys.

Urinalysis and urine bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity tests may need to be done again. Radiography of the bladder and kidneys is needed to detect the presence of radio-dense struvite bladder or the rare kidney stones. Radiography of the bladder to detect the location, number and size of the uroliths may need to be done. Ultrasonography of the bladder to view the thickness of the bladder wall, the presence of intraluminal stones or tumours will be useful in causes of recurrence.  

I was visiting Dr Aung of Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery in June 2014 and videoed a case of a 4-year-old male cat with dysuria for the 3rd time being treated. The first vet had treated the cat twice, catheterising the bladder to unblock the urethra, but the dysuria recurred one week later after the second treatment. The first vet had prescribed antibiotics and a dry urine acidifying diet and sent the cat home after treatment. However the dysuria recurred and the owner sought a second opinion from Dr Aung.

GUIDELINES TO TREATMENT OF URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION IN A CAT IN TOA PAYOH VETS. The following is my procedure but my associate vet may not hospitalise the cat.

1. Radiography (2 views) of the bladder and kidneys is done. Struvite uroliths and urethral casts are radio-dense.

2. Urinalysis to check urinary pH, SG, presence of red and white blood cells and crystals. A dipstick may be used initially but a urine sample collected via urethral catherisation is sent to the laboratory.

3. CBC/Biochemistry may not be done if the owner is concerned about the medical cost.

4. The cat is sedated with an injection of combined 2% xylazine and ketamine 100mg/ml in one syringe IM. I find that the safe and effective dosage is xylazine 0.1 ml + ketamine 0.4 ml IM for a cat 2-3 kg. For a cat 3-4 kg, xylazine 0.15 ml + ketamine 0.6 ml IM. 

5. The urethra is catherised as in the video. If there is urethral plug obstructing the passage of urine, around 2-10 ml of normal saline is injected to unblock the urethra. The urine is collected in a bottle for urinalysis by the laboratory. After emptying the bladder, the bladder is irrigated with over 100 ml of normal saline with the fluid syringed out to remove any urinary sand and debri.

6. The catheter is stitched to the prepuce and the cat is an inpaatient for 2 days. The catheter is removed and the cat goes home with antibiotics, tolfedine painkillers and a gradual change to an acidifying diet like the canned Science Diet C/D for one month. I prefer to give an injection of Baytril and prednisolone SC after the treatment but the younger vets may prefer non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like meloxicam or tolfedine. 

7. Follow up by telephone call is necessary. In this case of a 4-year-old neutered male cat treated by my associate vet Dr Daniel and sent home after the above treatment with vibravet paste and tolfedine tablets.  I followed up with the owner for presentation of a Singapore cat case for this Seminar while Dr Daniel does his own follow up.

The owner told me that cat quickly removed the e-collar and pulled out the stitched catheter within one day of going home. On Day 4, he started eating and meowing for attention. But he still had urinary incontinence with a wet spot of urine on the floor. This was less than on Day 1. I prescribed another 6 days of antibiotics (Baytril) and half a tablet of prednisolone 5 mg for 8 days.  She was to start on the Science Diet C/D mixing 10% with 90% of the previous food. Client education is important as the dysuria may recur if the client continues feeding the original dry food which cause alkaline urine formation. No urethral stones were seen in the bladder or kidneys in the X-rays (image in video) and triple phosphate crystals were found in the urine (image in video).

Two videos
1. Dr Aung treats a Yangon cat for urethral obstruction
2. Dr Daniel treats a Singapore cat for urethral obstruction.
