Friday, January 24, 2025

4434. A very smelly right nostril discharge and phelgm on few days around 23.1.2025

  very smelly right nostril discharge and phlegm on few days around 23.1.2025






Filling of Molar 2 has dropped out on 30 Sep 2024.
Went to KTPH to get filling done. It was well done as seen in Image 2 on 23 Jan 2025.

On 23 Jan 2025, a very bad breath from R nostril comes from tooth infection in M2 (2nd from L).


4433. "Watch your back"

“Watch your back” is a phrase that's telling you to be cautious and aware

Literally, it's saying to look behind you in case there's someone there that might want to hurt you. 

Usually it's meant more generally.






Thursday, January 23, 2025

4432. Casting a broken leg in a 2-year-old male Corgi in Myanmar


 Vet-LITE is an airy and lightweight Low Temperature Thermoplastic material engineered to meet your splinting and casting demands. The material is made from a 100% cotton mesh which has been impregnated with a NON-toxic thermoplastic resin.


On 16 Jan 2025, the 2-year-old male Corgi dashed across a busy road. A car accident fractured his right distal femur. The leg was cast by Dr Thet Hmue Kyaw, BVSc (Yezin) using Vet-Lite. This is a closed reduction surgery and is much cheaper that open reduction to insert a medullary pin.





SINGAPORE CASE. Dr Sing Kong Yuen.


Post op on Dec  5, 2017    Pin and cast as the fracture is too close to the femoral head and cannot be stabilised just by pining. Pin protrudes out of femoral head to provide stability and this does not affect knee flexion and extension. Pin removed in 8 weeks.

1. E-collar 8 weeks as cat tends to lick cast and wet it or bite it off.

2. Cast must be kept dry. Is protected by bandages.

3. Review 2 weekly

4. If paw is swollen, see vet immediately 

5. Cast removed in 6 weeks ideally





Sunday, January 12, 2025

4431. Vet Case Study: A feral cat is knocked down by the truck. Illustration from ChatGPT

 Professional style. Sunny early morning with blue skies and white clouds in Myanmar. A narrow Myanmar mountain road. Cars and trucks drive along the busy bend of the road with flowers and trees on the slopes. A brown cat dashed across the road after a mouse. The big truck coming down the bend hit the cat and knocked it away to the side of the mountain.



The cat crosses from one side of the road to another. A big truck knocks down the cat. 




 The cat should be just on the road in front of the big truck coming down the bend. No rat.
Here is the updated illustration with the cat positioned just on the road in front of the large truck coming down the bend, as requested. Let me know if there are additional adjustments to make!





