Monday, September 19, 2011

617. Singing for their wedding guests

What was most memorable about this wedding dinner was that the bride and bridegroom each held a mike and sang a duet as they walked into the wedding dining room. I could not hear what they sang in Mandarin. Confetti were thrown at them as they walked hand in hand to the stage. The waitresses and waiters did a dance with their plates near the stage before serving dinner. This was unusual. The place was a golf country club. Guests were mainly from the travel industry in Singapore including patrons.

In the other wedding I attended, the couple walked into the wedding dining room without pomp, dry ice or any music as the guests stood up. "Why no dry ice and music?" I asked the bride's father. The parents whom I knew well were very happy. This was the 3rd wedding reception (Australia, Shanghai and now Singapore). A singer was present. The place was a hotel. The waitresses and waiters served without much ado. Guests were from Australia, Shanghai and Singapore. "Was the baby born after the wedding?" I asked the father. "No," he said. "My daughter has been too busy to organise the Singapore wedding and by the time she did it, the baby has been born!"

Both brides looked great and radiant.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

616. Urethral Obstruction - Veterinary Procedures



1. ( )Consultation - Dysuria, haematuria, usually male dogs and cats
2. ( )Body weight, rectal temperature, time recorded
3. ( )General & detailed examination - illustration recorded and notes written
4. ( )Abdominal palpation - Bladder palpation and pain. Other findings
5. ( )Financial considerations and approval for tests with the owner recorded
Estimated range of cost to be approved by the owner
5.1 ( )Blood test
5.2 ( )Catetherise bladder
5.3 ( )Urine test
5.4 ( )X-rays - 2 views
5.5 ( )Antibiotics & Painkillers
5.6 ( )E-collar

6. ( )Consent Form For Anaesthesia & Surgery
7. ( )Deposit

1. Pre-medication start:
2. Sedation start:
3. Anaesthesia - Isoflurane + Oxygen start
4. Anaesthesia - Isoflurane + Oxygen end
5. Sutures used - number of packets and types
6. Post-op antibiotic and painkillers
7. Post-op medication
8. Post-op catheter check
9. Send urinary stones for analysis - date and time
10.Discharge date and time after joint inspection with owner
11.Name of veterinary surgeon discharging the pet
12.Signature of owner taking over the pet
13.Comments of condition of pet during handing over and instructions from the vet to be recorded below:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

615. Veterinary Dentistry in Yangon, Myanmar

"I don't believe that there is not one vet who uses the dental ultrasonic machine to scale the dogs' teeth in Myanmar," I said to my ex-assistant who had worked for me for 3 years as a Veterinary Technician. He is qualified as a vet in Myanmar and can open his own practice.

"I have visited the pet shops and veterinary clinics in May," my assistant said. "Only manual scaling is done," he said. Yangon now has over 40 vet clinics like Singapore and it is a growth city with property prices shooting up.

As my assistant is a sincere and honest person, I will not doubt his statement. In this situation, a vet with an ultrasonic dental scaler will be at a competitive advantage.

As he said he would be opening his own clinic in Yangon, I presented him my existing dental scaling machine and ordered a new one today Saturday. He would be at the Airport at 7 am today.

Finally he has decided to strike out on his own as he had been offered to join another Myanmar vet to jointly run a practice. However, nothing materialised since he left me in April 2011. It had been 5 months and the opening of this practice might be in December 2011. Something happened in between.

"If you concentrate on doing one thing, you will succeed," he said to me yesterday when I visited him at Peninsula Plaza. "You fall down, get up, do again and again till you succeed." What he meant was "focus" on veterinary medicine and surgery and not be distracted and you will succeed in practice. Work long hours too, I would say as clients want you to be available as this is a personalised business.

I am most happy for him as he had 3 years of hands-on experience at Toa Payoh Vets and had been willing to learn. He had been a good hard working colleague and had seen most common cases and the emergency anaesthetic problems.

I know he will do well in Yangon. I know he has a passion for veterinary medicine because of one incident: my printer cartridge runs out of ink fast despite my printer output of less than 50 printed pages per month. He had been using it to download veterinary info from the internet.

One year later, I should know how he is doing. I still can't believe that the most famous and experienced vet in Yangon does not have an ultrasonic dental scaler. It is expensive, costing over $3,000 in Singapore. Also, there is no isoflurane gas + oxygen machine being used by the vets there. It costs around $5,000 in Singapore for the basic set.

There may be good reasons for not having such sets in Myanmar.

614. The younger generation has its own mindset


We just have to adapt to our colleagues and people around us and the only thing you can do is advise them. If they do not wish to take it on board you cannot force them. However, if you explain to them why something is done and they find it logical and useful, then they will be more receptive. This is because that is the way the government and schools are trying to implement. Critical thinking and reasonable challenge of ideas are promoted by the Ministry of Education.

Agree with you regarding advices to the young ones. Can't force them to do things. Just need to spend more time explaining the rationale. Or they learn from experience of mistakes.

The different mindset of the Google Generation has much to do with the availability of information in the internet as well as with a new type of education in Singapore and other developed countries.

I am listening to an audio "Thinking for a Living" by Thomas H Davenport. He says that knowledge workers (find, create, package knowledge for a living) are much independent-minded and their performance is hard to measure. How to choose appropriate intervention and performance measure and how to maximise productivity.

Friday, September 16, 2011

613. Internal controls of a Vet Practice

All firms must have a robust and effectie system of internal controls that adresses financial, operational and compliance risks.

How does this apply to a vet practice? I can think of a few

Stock inventory and check on losses/pilferage
Usage of isoflurane and other drugs compared to caseloads

Productivity of the vet - how much and how long is his or her operation?
Unnecessary use of tools e.g. swabs, sutures

1. Microchip data to AVA
2. Rabies vaccine data to AVA
3. Controlled Drugs
4. Proper medical records
5. Advices to owners to be recorded

Thursday, September 15, 2011

612. What is the cause of the 3rd fit?

Sep 11, 2011

When the urine is collected directly from a dog peeing outdoors, there is the possibility of bacterial contamination. In this case of one dog who had fits for the 3rd time 2 days ago, I reviewed the record of one urine sample collected and tested showing bacteria +++. However, no antibiotics was prescribed by Vet 1. Vet 1 received the urine sample and handled the case accordingly. I was not present when the owner came.

I know that the owner works in a human medical polyclinic and knows what to do when it comes to urine collection.

She collected the urine "mid-stream", that is, let the dog pass some urine first and then collect directly the next flow. The urine was collected in a container provided by the Lab. She sent the urine in to Toa Payoh Vets for analysis. As I was not around, Vet 1 took the responsibility of handling this urine sample.

The urine showed 3+.

Now, in veterinary medicine, each vet has his or her own interpretation of the laboratory results and come to a decision on the spot.

Vet 1 judged that the bacteria was not from the urine. Therefore no antibiotics were prescribed.

In my opinion, I would have prescribed antibiotics for a suspected urinary tract infection. A bacterial culture would have been advised too but due to financial considerations for the owners, I have not asked the owner.

I asked Vet 1 who stated that the owner did not wish to have antibiotics.
The owner came today (Sunday) to visit her dog that I had boarded for observation. He had fits 2 days ago and instead of a house-call as requested by the owner, I advised bringing the dog down. Nothing can be done during a house-call and it costs the owner money .

On this fine Sunday morning, I asked why she did not want antibiotics when her earlier urine test showed a bacteria presence of 3+. She said: "Vet 1 said that no antibiotics were necessary as the urine was contaminated."

Now there was a difference of reply from both parties. I needed to investigate what happened, being the licensee and shouldering the responsibilities of setting a good standard of care.

So, I called a meeting with Vet 1, the owner and myself present inside the consultation room to clarify the matter immediately, as to why the owner did not want antibiotics. There are some Singapore owners who don't want antibiotics nowadays and so Vet 1's explanation would be logical had I not asked the owner's side of the story. The vet on the spot has to judge. And be responsible for the judgment.

At the meeting on this busy Sunday morning, the owner denied having said she did not want antibiotics. "Why would I reject antibiotics when my dog's urine has bacteria 3+?" she protested.

Vet 1 said: "It is a mis-communication." It was an emotional meeting to clear the air as the owner was very upset over this matter. A dog with three fits is a very stressful to any owner. This dog had a sudden attack, ran to her father screaming. Foam spilled out of the dog's mouth. When the dog was calmed down, the dog started pooping and peeing all over the apartment. She phoned me for a house-call but I told her it would be better to send the dog down for my examination. She had not told me of the 2nd fit episode.

I had a blood test, urine test, X-ray of the chest and abdomen done with permission from the owner. I reviewed the urine test result done some 3 weeks ago and noted that Vet 1 had not prescribed any antibiotics. Hence, the situation arose when I found this out.

A vet has to be responsible for his judgment but sometimes it is a matter of mis-communication on the spot. The solution is simple for the vet when the owner is against medical advice. Record this advice down in the case sheet clearly and if possible, get the owner to sign: "THE OWNER HAS BEEN ADVISED BUT REFUSED ANTIBIOTICS."

Sometimes, I do not prescribe antibiotics if I deem it unnecessary. In one case, I spayed a female dog and had given an antibiotic and pain-killer injection. As the spay was a smooth short surgery, I did not deem it necessary to give antibiotics and pain-killers at home. However, the owner's wife wanted the medication. The harassed husband came for them. I prescribed the antibiotics and pain-killers for the next 4 days.

The husband came for the medication. He gave me a feedback, saying he wanted to bash Vet 2 up. "Why?" I asked. He said: "Vet 2 shouted at me from inside the consultation room when I asked a question how long the pain-killer injection lasted. Sitting on his chair and shouting from inside the room. So rude!"

I said: "From my knowledge of Vet 2 over the years, he has a gentle personality."

Later, I asked Vet 2 what had happened. Vet 2 said that he was busy consulting and therefore shouted out the reply.

Much could have been avoided had I prescribed antibiotics and pain-killers for 4 days after the operation as I usually do. You can say it was a lapse of judgment, but I find that dogs and cats who had one post-op injection of antibiotics and pain-killers do well.

Sometimes, it is best to prescribe antibiotics as it is hard to tell whether the infection will set in. In any case, a dog urine with bacteria +++ definitely requires antibiotics and failure to give them may constitute an act of negligence in a court of law if a "reasonable man" (i.e. a vet) will prescribe antibiotics in such a situation. Singapore owners are much more sophisticated. They will check the internet first to do research before consulting the vet.

In this case of the dog with the 2nd fit, the owner did not inform me about the incident till Sunday. As to the cause of the fit, most of the causes are idiopathic, i.e.. unknown.

However, based on the fact that the dog had urinary bladder stones removed and had fits just after the surgery (first episode seen at Toa Payoh Vets and the owner was informed) a few months ago, there could be a relationship to urinary stone formation. In the 3rd episode, the dog had passed blood, blood was 4+, White cells very high, the pH was 8.0 (alkaline) and struvite crystals (2+) was detected in the urine.

The owner had fed rawhide as she felt that the dog's quality of life must be poor, eating SD diet every day. She had told me that whenever she changed to other diet, the dog's urine would be cloudy. So she switched back to S/D and the urine would be clear.

Since she had deviated from the S/D diet and tried other food, would this be the cause of recurrence of urinary bladder crystals and high pH? It is hard to say. X-ray did not show any radio-opaque struvite stones.

More urine and other test need to be done monthly or 3-monthly. But few owners do bother. Till another episode of fits. In conclusion, it is best (for the owner's peace of mind) to prescribe antibiotics post-surgery or when urine samples show high bacterial count. Owners have to do their part in the management of fits in dogs. Many causes of fits are unknown.

In this case, my hypothesis was some imbalance in the urinary system and infection of the urinary tract possibly from the raw hide to the blood stream and then the urinary tract system.

"Has the dog been humping pillows?" I asked when I retracted the prepuce during my examination together with Vet 1. On the left and right lateral sides of a normal penile shaft, two bright red bleeding spots appeared like "red eyes" of a snake, if you can visualise. It was a most unusual sight as I had never seen such an appearance. If one is superstitious, one would say this was supernatural. A tall tale. Incredible. Not possible. Gone whacky. But this was a true observation.

The owner said: "His penis was hanging out yesterday." I advised neutering to stop the hypersexuality behaviour. The lady said: "Wait and see."

Starting a new vet clinic - depreciation of expensive equipment

"Why don't you just pay for the general anaesthetic machine and the blood pressure monitoring machine instead of getting them free?" I spoke to a vet who started a new clinic yesterday Wed Sep 14, 2011. "It will cost less than paying $60,000 for some blood test machines as you will not have the sufficient numbers of blood test cases in the first year of practice?"

Blood tests can be out-sourced for the time being. It costs about $100-200 per blood tests and many Singapore pet owners are not keen on this. It depends on the spending power of the location and his location was in the heartlands.

Buying a package may be cheaper per item, but money must be spent on essential items first. If money is not a problem, buy digital X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan.

Many new vets don't consider the economics and depreciation of expensive equipment affecting the bottom line. No large crowd of clientele will rush in when the clinic starts up as many pet owners appear to be selective of vets. This gives existing older practices an advantage. So, start ups charge much lower fees to attract the pet owners. This leads to lower profits if any and cause a downward spiral in a business that should be giving a decent income to the vet.

With over 45 vet clinics in Singapore, vet fees will be much lower for most procedures. It is just not possible to recover costs from expensive equipment for a start up. Depreciation of 5 years of equipment is used.

I still remember some 40 years ago when the first two vet practices were started as I did some work in one of them in the evenings. Essential items like X-ray machine (2nd hand) were bought. No big blood test equipment, ultrasound, MRI scan.

Times have changed now but caseload/vet clinic has decreased due to the explosive increase in numbers of practices.

Collaborate with other practices with such equipment may be the wise strategy as the clinic must sustain its profitability. If there is a rich supporter, the practice still can't afford to lose money over many years. So it has to charge higher fees but gets less clients as many pet owners are price conscious. So, it is difficult to sustain the practice (staff costs are high too) unless the vet has deep pockets for the next 5-10 years and have other sources of income.