Thursday, October 19, 2017

3158. A 10-year-old Shih Tzu had eye problem for 4 days.

"She is very thin and sick," I examined the lethargic and recumbent Shih Tzu with the swollen prolapsed eyeball with corneal ulcerations and descemeotocoele. "I need to do a blood test to check the health."

The daughter had surfed the net and asked to see me.  
"Vet 1 had done the blood test  2 days ago and said the report showed kidney failure,"  the mother had consulted Vet 1 who prescribed eye drops, antibiotics and stesolid enema. 
"Vet 1 advised an MRI scan and CT scan," the mother said. "I cannot afford it."
"Why would Vet 1 want an MRI scan for eye problem?"
"I complained about the dog being giddy."

Liver ALT 225 (less than 59), AST 398 (less than 81) -- suggestive of liver disorder.
Kidney urea 40.4 (4.2-6.3)
             creatinine 189 (89-177).

Haemoglobin 7.2   (12-18)
Red cell count 3.4   (5.5 - 8.5)
Total white cell count 27(6-17)
Haematocrite (PCV) 0.20   (0.37-0.55)
Platelets 46  (200-500). Platelet clumping noted.

Later in the afternoon, the dog passed away while beingiven IV drip.

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