Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Follow up: A 9-month-old Miniature Schnauzer cannot pee

Aug 26, 2015.

This case illustrates the typical challenges many Singaporean dog owners face.
Most vets have no time to follow up as it is time-consuming. Today, I followed up to find out whether this brown male Schnauzer stlll has difficulty in peeing. (Video done July 2015) since he was given dry Canine C/D, no dog treats and other food after 4 days of in-patient and catheterisation for urethral obstruction (small bladder stones around 4 mm across was flushed out). The owner did not want blood test or X-rays, but the clinic did a blood test free of charge.   

"He pees a lot now," the mother of 2 boys, 10 and 11 years old was happy. "Neighbours said he has put on weight."  That was good news. The stools are "nice" in a continuous roll when the dog was fed C/D.

1. Jan 2015. Dog was purchased at 3 months of age. Fed dry food from pet shop.

2. May 2015. Changed to a different brand of dry food called Osbourne as pet shop operator said it is better, more protein. Dog vomited often after eating this dry food and the earlier brand. So added canned food. Owner thought the dog ate too fast, so vomiting occurred. 

3. Jul 2015. Dysuria. Blocked bladder. Catheterised. Small bladder stones sucked out.
    4 days of inpatient. Did not want x-rays or blood test.

4. Aug 26 2015. Follow up on dysuria and C/D diet.  No more problems. He peed a lot for the last 2-3 weeks. Stools are well formed and in a roll

5. Urine test
pH 7, SG 1.020. Nitre +, Protein 4+, Ketones +, Blood 4+. White blood cells 576/uL. Bacteria +. No crystals. Yet around 3 small crystals were sucked out during catheterisation.

6. Blood test
Liver enzymes ALT/AST  159/102   (<59 br="">Urea 49.5   (4.2-6.5)
Creatinine 691  (89-177)

Total WCC  37.3  (6-17)
N 83% (60-70)
N absolute 90.96 (6-11)
Platelets  78 (200-500).  The dog has sepsis and kidney failure.

1. The mother is the disciplinarian of the dog.  Would crate him for most of the do. He will bite things in the apartment including the crate playpen and the younger son.
2. The younger son, 10 years old is bullied by this dog. He complained to his mum that his leg is painful from the dog's bite. There are bruises. The son would run when the dog is let out. The dog would chase him as a prey and bite him. The boy is encouraging this attack bite behaviour.

I advise:

1. grip the dog's muzzle and say "no biting" when he chases the younger boy.
2. place him into the play pen when he starts "bullying" the boy in Primary 4 class. .
3. Now the dog is nearly 11 months old. Not neutered as the owner did not want to do it.
He pees many x a day, every 20 minutes. The mother will estimate the 20-minute interval and placed him inside the playpen bought 2nd hand from the pet shop. It has a pee tray which she lined with pee pad. This routine is still present as other family members feel that the mother is too strict on this young dog.


No recurrence on C/D diet. Strictly no other food or dog treasts.  Schnauzers are prone to urinary stone formation.
Early neuter will have prevented this need of the dog to urine mark. The owner has to place him into the play pen to pee every 20 minutes. She did not realise that he is urine marking.

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